Monday, November 14, 2005


Dam I think I just found my Favorite Show! Its called Prison Break. It is on FOX, and about a Guy that goes to Jail to save his brother from getting killed from Death Roll. Then he has plans to escape and knows were to go to escape.I think tonight(MoNDAY) is the last episode.It is a 2 hour Season-Finale. This will be coming out soon to DVD, so Go to netflix and type in PRISON BREAK and rent the Season.I know i will rent it A.S.A.P!!! And the solution foe those No school days will be that we will have to make up those Teacher Planning Days, that we were supposed to have off.Booo.And we get out of school 2 days LATER!!(Dam Dade County! Errrr.... Its not our fault some dumb Hurricane. I Hate KATRINA,RITA and especially WILMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WHY IS SIMONE The ONLY ONE THAT READS MY BLOG??? Thanks.... But CAN You make a Post to tell ur Blogger friends to please read my BLOG! And COMMENT THEM! Thats why I harly post. Well Thanks for reading! Bye