Its 12:00 and its officially my aunts BIRTHDAY! I love her sooo Much,shes the Best.May best wishes come true. You still look like your in your mid 20's NO LIE!!Well I hope you enjoy your birthday and simone check your e-mail. Your birthday present is BOTH VIDEOS of BtV CRIBS and THE WHOLE TRIP,everybody else is getting one or the other.Enjoy! Well I g2g so byyy.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Happy BIRTHDAY Simone!
Its 12:00 and its officially my aunts BIRTHDAY! I love her sooo Much,shes the Best.May best wishes come true. You still look like your in your mid 20's NO LIE!!Well I hope you enjoy your birthday and simone check your e-mail. Your birthday present is BOTH VIDEOS of BtV CRIBS and THE WHOLE TRIP,everybody else is getting one or the other.Enjoy! Well I g2g so byyy.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Hello,Yesterday me and my mom went to walmart to go shopping for school supplies.We ate at walmart and then shopped.All I need to get for school is uniform and a bookbag.I have everything else.Then we went to target to get stuff for the house and my bathroom.We got some nice rugs and toilet seat covers for my bathroom(FINALLY!!) and we also got the peice to fix my toiletMy bathroom looks nice now!Then when we were leaving Target it was pouring!We had to run to the car.Then when we got home it was too bad to get all the stuff we got because it was raing and thundering and lightning alot! So I got the stuff later on when it cooled down.Then when we came home we cleaned up because we were having my neighbors over for dinner.They had fish and I had breaded chicken with spanish rice(Umm!)Daniel and David was there,they had some food too.Later on that night we watched my NY trip on my computer.Today I am going to get the wire for my camcorder.Well I will post later bye bye
Computer or VHS?
Hello, I need to know what you all would prefer for me to put my BTV CRIBS or NY TRIP on Vhs so you can only see it on your VCR or on your computer so you can only see it on your computer.Simone I will send you BTV cribs and NY TRIP. And whoever wants a copy please send me a 1.50$ shipping and handling fee(only for out of state people) because I am covering for the disc or VHS. But if you dont have the money for S&H please contact me. And simone please send me the pics from the trip.Simone can you also give me Cindy's email and address for her house.Thanks.
P.s>>I am just kidding about the 1.50$ I woudnt make you pay! Thats just wrong! I will ask my dad to cover it for me.Well thanks!!!
P.s>>I am just kidding about the 1.50$ I woudnt make you pay! Thats just wrong! I will ask my dad to cover it for me.Well thanks!!!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Last night, I finnaly edited and made BTV cribs. I am currently in the process of trying to put it on my blog or make a link for it. I will keep you posted on it. And I might put it on VHS cassete for you. But first I have to buy a ceratain wire to do that. Well if you would like a tape of BTV cribs please comment and I will try to do that.And I am also in the process of editing the WHOLE TRIP.Please tell me. Thank you for reading. And how does my new picture of me look?
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
We are here in Miami,back home. Yesterday we got Delayed from our flight.Our flight was supposed to be at 9:00pm but it was delayed till 11:00pm we didnt get in Miami till 1:30. There was a crying baby that woudn't shut up! I had to rase my volume on my headphones on Full blast. I didnt get to go to sleep till 3am. I had a blast there. Soon, I will post all of my pics!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Family Day!!
Hello,Today we woke up at early and went to the train station to head to Long Island.Our ride in the train felt forever! Then when we got there,mike was there to pick us up.He lives like about 1 minute from his house to the station.Then 1 minute later we got home and said hi to everyone and we got in his boat.We were crusing around the ocean and they we stoped and me and my Cuzins swam in the water.We taped a lot of this.I am planning on giving people who reads this blog a tape of the whole trip edited with music.Anywase later on when we got back me and my Cuz's jumped and swam in the pool.Then simone and david joined us,then my other Cuz's came here and came in the pool.Then later on we came out the pool and played with my baby cuz SOPHIA she's the cutest baby.Shes turning 2 in November.Then we ate some chicken wings for a appetizer.Then later on we had dinner and then dessert,our dessert was huge!! I am still FULL! Then we bothered the adults with putting ice inside of there shirts.Then we just hung around and talked to each other.Then we had to leave to catch our train.Now I am leaving the train and I am in Mannhaten again.We might go to Times Square later.
P.S-i am typing on my dads phone!!Bye see you soon!!
P.S-i am typing on my dads phone!!Bye see you soon!!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Six Flags!! is 4 Thumbs Up!!
Today!,we went to Six Flags. Kinda Ka was closed, we rented a minivan in the morning.We got there at around 11:00.The first ride we went on was Nitro. We had the fast pass,its good!! We went on Nitro 4x in total.We ate aot of junk food.My lunch was very light.Here are some rides that I remember that I went on:Nitro,Medusa,Batman & Robin:the Chiller,Congo:River Rapids,Sky ride,Stuntman Mans Freefall,Superman,and probally more but I can't think of any.But Kinda Ka is expected to reopen soon .Nitro got stuck for 5 minutes before going up.I was not on the ride then,i had just came off.I won a prize and played 2 games.I won a Taz Doll from this guy that has to guess either your month of birth,how old you are,or your weight. I won by month because he guessed february and Im in June.Also earlier we went on this Safari thing,its not in the park,its owned by them but you have to stamp your hand and you go back to your car and drive out the lot and turn left and then you enter.Its animals and live animals that are on the side of the road.We actually got a giraffe to lick our window and stand in front of our car.We took alot of pictures. I will post them when Simone uploads them with her camera.I did not take the risk of bringing my new camcorder and leaving it in the car.We are so tired from today.Well as soon as I have time to upload my pictures from my camera,I will. Well Good Night Bye
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Hello! I am in New York. Today I woke up @ 5:30am,everybody else woke up @ 6:00,I was the first one ready to go. Our flight was good and short,it was fun. I filmed alot of stuff.But I filmed us landing from the window(Shhhh!!) Then when we arrived we got our luggage and got a taxi. Then when we got here we when to go eat NY PIZZA(Ummm!!)Of course I got a Sicilian.Then we went on the subway to go to Brooklyn.We stoped by a store and I got a camera bag and a memory stick,Now i can take pictures with my camcorder.Then,We walked the Brooklyn bridge,Got some water on the way up,toke pictures and went down.Then we were hungry again so we went to the best pizza place in town!,I got a crushed tomatoe with ham small pizza.They make the pizza's like in 2 minutes from a real oven that makes the coal,its real cool!!,then we were tired so we walked a little bit and when't to the subway. When we got off the subway we went to a park to relax and chill(My camera battery died).Then we walked home and got some ITALIAN ICE on the way and came home and I took a shower,we stayed here for a while relaxing, and then we went to dinner at this VIETNISIM RESTAURANT,I had a Pork Chop and chicken soup withh noodles,for dessert I had a Vanilla Milkshake.Then we walked back and I am here typing this post. I am going to sleep now because we have to wake up early because we are going to SIX FLAGS:GREAT ADVENTURE!!!! I am very sad that KINDA KA is closed.HURRY UP AND FIX IT!!,Well tommarow I will post my pics,good night!!!
Hello,Everybody.At the moment I am at the airport typing. I got up at 5:30. I was awake and ready before everybody else. My dad's good friend/neighbor drove us here. She is real nice.I can't wait to just arrive there. I LOVE N.Y PIZZA!!!.Well, I guess I wont be able to read any comments affter 8:30am,and real late tonight.SEE YOU LATER SIMONE!!!!BYYYYYYYYY
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
New Camcorder

Monday, July 18, 2005
My Lucky Day!!
Yaaa!!! Today I looked on E-Bay to see if anybody has bought my yoda,and today somebody did.We sold it for 230$.Its in good condition.So when my dad gets the official E-BAY CONFIRMATION,we are going to go to Brandsmart USA, and get a camcorder.Today I looked in the internet on BRANDSMART U.S.A. and they are selling a sony Camcorder with zoom and you can take pics and everything!! Its only 230$.The same price as my E-Bay item!! If I could get before thursday then I will Bring it to NEW YORK!! I will also film on the plane and film timesquare and stuff.I cant wait,I hope they send the E-Bay Item ASAP(TONIGHT).Well thats it for now.I will keep you posted on this camera.

Sunday, July 17, 2005
PACKED AND READY 2 GO!!(Newest Post!!)
Finnally, I am 100% ready to go New York, Today we went to lunch at Bellante's Lunch Buffet,its only 3.99 and you get unlimited pizza and pasta!!!(MY favorite).Then we went to Marshalls to buy clothes!!!(I love Clothes!!) I got some nice clothes!!Then later on today I went outside and when I came home I finished packing ,my clothes.Heres a list of stuff I brought:
P.s-There is alot of stuff on the list(LOL)
P.s-There is alot of stuff on the list(LOL)
- 3 jean pants
- 3 jean shorts
- 6 shirts
- Boxers
- Socks
- Undershirts
- Colonge
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Laptop
- I-Pod Mini
- ***Surprise for Simone & David***
- Deodorant
- Spare Contacts
- Contact Solution
- Shorts to sleep
- Sweater(Just in case!! You never know!)
- Shower Gel
- Thats everything I could think of that I brought, I can wait!!,well thanks for reading,please leave a comment,I am dieing 2 eat NEW YORK PIZZA!!!!
- Thats everything I could think of that I brought, I can wait!!,well thanks for reading,please leave a comment,I am dieing 2 eat NEW YORK PIZZA!!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I want to get the heck out out of my house already and go to NEW YORK,its so boring here,it always rains and my friends are out of town,I can't wait to see my aunt and uncle and thier new apartment.Today I went to Ross to look at clothes but they dont have anything good.That place was full of crying and annoying babies.Well im going to sleep now,its 2 boring now!
Friday, July 15, 2005
New York List
I can't wait till Thursday Comes.I just love the fealing of being in the airport! When I am waiting for my flight I am going to be on the internet. I hope there is internet service on the plane.Because it would be real cool!!This weekend I am going to wash all my clothes and pack for newyork.I always bring extra clothes.Its just the way I am. I am going to bring the following:
- 3 pairs of Jeans
- 3 pairs of jean shorts/or regular shorts
- 7 boxers
- 6 0r 7 socks
- 5 shirts for Day
- 4 shirts for the night,when we go out somewere
- Contact Solution
- Spair Contacts
- Toothbrush/toothpaste
- Cell Phone because I can call 911 foe Emergency or operator to dial a #
- Pajama's
- Digital Camera
- Extra Pairs of Shoes
- Colonge
- Deodarant
- Thats All I can Think of for now,if theres anything else you think I need than please comment it.Thank You
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Its 6:26 am,i have not gon to sleep yet!
Hello,I have not fallen assleep yet!!! I have been on the computer all night!! DAM time flyes!! I am waiting for the sun 2 come out!! I am not even tired!! Ill be sleeping later on today.K well g2g watch the sun rise byee!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Can you do me a favor?
Can you all tell me if the toolbar and links on the top right,is it correct?? Tell me how it looks on your computer.Thanks
P.s-David,you should make a BLOG,Please!!!!
P.s-David,you should make a BLOG,Please!!!!
100 things about me
- I like my house clean,my room is always neat.
- I watch T.V like l or 2 hours a day.
- I like to rent movies.
- I want a job,by the end of this year.
- My left ear is peirced.
- I like to use Shower Gel instead of Regular Bar soap because the barof soap is used by others,shower gel is not used by others.
- I love to go on Rollarcoasters and rides.
- I can not sleep on airplanes,I never will.I like to see whats happening.
- Me and my brother get in alot of arguments.
- I am a Gemini,you have not seen my other SIDE!
- I like to always be out the house,I dont like staying inside very long!
- I want to be very wealthy when I am older.
- I want to be a TECHNICIAN and a DJ for Clubs on the weekends.
- I love to visit New York and see my Family there.
- I like talking on the phone with my aunt.
- I have 5 best friends,because 3 are brothers and other 2 are brothers.
- My favorite shows is Rescue Me,real world and Pimp my ride and Punk'd.
- I had real fun in Great Adventure in New Jersey.
- I am very sad that Kinda Ka will be closed when we are there.
- I wear a Livestrong yellow Band for cancer.
- I am a morning person.
- I like to wake up early.
- I hate sleeping in,so late.
- When I am older I want to move to New York.
- I like to change fones alot.
- I have Unlimited Minutes.
- I like to play outside with my friends.
- I love Mashed Potatoes.
- My favorite Choclate is Reese's.
- My favorite pizza is Sicilian.
- If they dont have siciclian,then I get extra tomatoe sauce on a regular Pizza.
- I always tip people @ restaurants.
- I always bring back souveniors for someone and never myself.
- I like to Buy stuff off e-bay.
- I never skipped School.
- I love when it rains,when we are in school.
- I always go out,looking nice,matching,never mix-match
- I like taking pictures,not having them token of me.
- I want a Camcorder badly.
- I am nice to my friends.
- I like my hair being neat,not messy.
- People say they love my eyes.
- My eyes are Hazel.
- My hair is Dirty Blond.
- My favorite type of dog is a Beagle,or American Bulldog.
- My favorite dog that I had was named Poochie and was a Beagle.
- This dog ran away,and we never found it.
- We adopted my dog from Humane Soceity.
- I like Cats when they are kittens.
- I always call friends or family when on a trip.
- I hate Busch.
- If i could vote i would vote for KERRY.
- I like Hip-Hop,R&B,and some rap.
- I think I am a morning person because I was born at 6am.
- My favorite meal from Taco Bell is the Crunch wrap supreme.
- I prefer Burger King than Mc.Donalds
- I can't hold on to Money for a long time,unless its in a Bank.
- I would rather have bad shoes on a date then messy hair.
- I like would like to visit australia one day.
- I rather eat a big dinner than a big lunch.
- I love Vanilla Milkshakes.
- I like vanilla rather then Chocalate.
- I was Lack-tost and Tolerate when I was little.
- I only drink strawberry milk.
- I love Traveling.
- I wish my dad and mom were together.
- I wish the world was good and not so many wars and bombings.
- I hate smokers,theres no point to it. Sombody that disagrees then comment about it!!!
- I hate cigars,ciggartes,pot,weed,or anything bad or stupid!!
- I love to Text Message.
- I like to change my ring tones alot.
- I am picky with phones.
- I love Jellybeans.
- I want to go to the movies every friday.
- I have a big screen tv.
- I have TIVO and love it.
- I would do anything for my kids life.
- I want to have a wife and 3 kids(2 boys 1 girl)
- I want to move out of my house and into a new and bigger one.
- I would never smoke a ciggarete!! (Whats the point??)
- I rather eat candy or chew gum then smoke.
- I always apllaud in movies when its done.
- I only eat chicken,meat,or ham because the animals already dead,but i would never kill an animal just to eat it.
- I want to see snow really bad.
- I am a holiday decarotion freak.
- Every X-mas,I put up my X-Mas lights on my roof and decorate the outside with plenty of lights.
- I will go on a rollarcoaster or ride if its safe!
- I never leave my house without my phone,just in case.
- I buy movies once I have seen them first.
- I used to pass out flyers,but they did not need us anymore, they said they were gonna mail them out to houses instead(Bull****)
- I believe in god.
- I never sleep in the day time.
- My favorite baseball team is the mrarlins.
- My favorite Basketball team is the Miami Heat.
- I used to play baseball.
- I hate when it is humid outside.
- I have a pet rabbit,hamster and dog.
- I prefer laptop than Desktop.
- I help my friends with stuff.
- I am nice to people if they are nice to me.
Finnaly I am Done!!!Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Pics of Me and My Dog Mulan
Hello, These are pics of me and my dog,these pics were requested by my AUNT simone.
Next Thursday is NEW YORK!!!!
Next Thursday I am going to New York.Finnaly!!!!!!!!!! We are going to go to Times Square,Six Flags,China Town and much more.This will also be exciting because we get to see Simones New Apartment.I have to pack this weekend because on Monday-Wednsday My dad will be off and we will be with him. I cant wait!!!!!!!!
Dad's House/Weekend in Review
Hello,I have been here at my dads house for 5 days.On friday my dad picked us up early and we had a hurricane party with me,my brother,dad,jimmy,brittany,my neighbor edith,and her friend Nicole.We watched the movie Hostage and then watched the movie"Little Black Book"(Except the fact that the movie was boring and mostly everyone fell asleep except for me,conrad,brittany,and Jimmy). It was fun.Before we saw the movie me,brittany,and nicole walked to Blockbuster to get candy at Midnight!!! Me and Nicole got Crunch-a-bunch and Brittany got ?????.
On saturday it was a lazy day in the affternoon Jimmy and brittany left.Then we just hung around and chilled,then we picked up our mess and decided to got to the movies to see Fantastic Four.So me and my dad went but conrad did not wanna go,so we were half way there and I had left my free pass to go see it,so we left back home to get it.But we were tired for some reason,so we went to go see another day.
On,Sunday.We saw the movie,This movie is real good!! I want to see it again!! ,it was real hot inside the theater!!Sweating.My dad was about to go complain and get a refund but he said forget it. Then we just hung out affter the movie at home and decided to watch National Treasure.That movie was good!!
On Monday,me and conrad stayed home here at my dads.My dad got picked me up during his lunch break and we went to TACO BELL i had the CRUNCH WRAP SUPREME,and my dad had a CHALUPA(i think...).Then he came home at around 5:00.We went to Publix and got dinner there.I got the HUNGRYMAN XXL which came with 1 1/2 pound of food!!It had Mashed Potatoes(my favorite...UMM...),and chicken,I got full and left some food but I saved it in a container.And they had Rottisere Chicken.
And on Tuesday,Me and Conrad are here and my dad took me on his lunch breato STEVES PIZZA,we got a large pizza there.There pizza is the best in florida!!There tomatoe sauce is sweet and there pizza is cheezy.And now I am writing this long post.Today I am going home to see my mom.I will be back with my dad on Sunday Night or Monday Morning.Thanks for reading Byeeee!!!
On saturday it was a lazy day in the affternoon Jimmy and brittany left.Then we just hung around and chilled,then we picked up our mess and decided to got to the movies to see Fantastic Four.So me and my dad went but conrad did not wanna go,so we were half way there and I had left my free pass to go see it,so we left back home to get it.But we were tired for some reason,so we went to go see another day.
On,Sunday.We saw the movie,This movie is real good!! I want to see it again!! ,it was real hot inside the theater!!Sweating.My dad was about to go complain and get a refund but he said forget it. Then we just hung out affter the movie at home and decided to watch National Treasure.That movie was good!!
On Monday,me and conrad stayed home here at my dads.My dad got picked me up during his lunch break and we went to TACO BELL i had the CRUNCH WRAP SUPREME,and my dad had a CHALUPA(i think...).Then he came home at around 5:00.We went to Publix and got dinner there.I got the HUNGRYMAN XXL which came with 1 1/2 pound of food!!It had Mashed Potatoes(my favorite...UMM...),and chicken,I got full and left some food but I saved it in a container.And they had Rottisere Chicken.
And on Tuesday,Me and Conrad are here and my dad took me on his lunch breato STEVES PIZZA,we got a large pizza there.There pizza is the best in florida!!There tomatoe sauce is sweet and there pizza is cheezy.And now I am writing this long post.Today I am going home to see my mom.I will be back with my dad on Sunday Night or Monday Morning.Thanks for reading Byeeee!!!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Hurricane Dennis!!!

Hurricane Dennis Striked Cuba,Haiti and now headed up North to hit Pensacolla.There were heavy winds this weekend.But especially on Saturday,these strong wind knocked down both of my backyard fences's,and flipped and turned aroud my chairs and Bar-B-Que.I am at my Dad's house and my good neighbor/friend Daniel called Me and said: YOUR FENCE IS KNOCKED DOWN!!(Please visit his site! He is desperate for comments and viewers so please check it out HERE.
And the rest of the week is going to be thunderstorms and strong winds!!(Boo!!)So later on I am going to be going to the Movies to see Fantastic 4. I will post about it later.Bye
Jag or Stang??????
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Welcome Daniel!!
Welcome Daniel.Hey my neighbor/friwnd named Daniel has a Blog!! He wants alot of people to read and comment on it.So pleaseeeeee read his blog.His website is
Click here for Daniels Cool Blog!!!,there will also be a link on the right side of my website.So please check it out.
Click here for Daniels Cool Blog!!!,there will also be a link on the right side of my website.So please check it out.
Thursday, July 07, 2005

July 29-31,Me and my neighbors might go to Orlando!!!! If we go,we will buy 2 days and we get the third day free!!!!So we would go to Universal on friday,Islands of adventures on saturday and Sunday!! I think we will get to go.If we go,we will rent a car,the car we will rent will be a Cadillac Escalade for only 25$ a day! from Enterprise.I hope we go so bad!
Has anybody noticed the new poll I put below my Archives??? There will be a new poll every DAY.Please answer them.Put what you think about that poll
Fell Better!!
This post is for my Grandmother "Mitzi Launerts". I hope you feel Better.My Grandmother is in the Hospital doing testing's.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
4th of July Weekend.
Happy Belated 4th of July Everyone! On Monday we had a Bar-B-Que with some friends over.We lit some fireworks when it got dark.We some nice fireworks over our head from some rich neighborhoods.I had a great time this 4th of july.It would have been better if my best friends were there but it was still fun.I had fun chasing the girls with some whistlers,they were running for there lifes!!!! We also burned this huge roach or beetle.We burned its head off.Now I am here typing bored,because my friends are gone.At least my neighbors are coming back tommarow!! (Yaaaaa!!!!).But then they will go back to there grandma's house on wednsday or thursday(Boooooo!!!!!)Well that was my 4th of July.Byyyy
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Live 8

Today,I am watching LIVE 8,it is to convince the G8 to stop Poverty.The G8 will all gather up and make a descion next week July 6-8 to stop poverty.President Bush will be there,to have your name to convince him to convince the G8 to stop poverty at CLICH HERE FOR G8.
The G8 was on Mtv on July 2nd from 12:00-8:00pm.There are these ONE white wristbands to stop AIDS and POVERTY.To purchase ONE CLICK HERE
Friday, July 01, 2005
Welcome Dad!
Welcome Dad to the Blogger World,My dad now has a blog site.This blogsite is
Shark Attacks!!!!!

Have you heard about the Shark attacks that have occured this week in Florida? Well there has been 2 attacks in Florida,both were in the same beach on different days.One Girl got her leg amputated a couple of days ago while she was dangling her feet sitting on a doc when all of a sudden a shark just comes and opens its jaws and bit a huge peice of her leg which she had to get it amputated.And check out this link about a girl that was attacked and died.Click below
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