Hello, There is another DAM STORM that might come. Its called"Gamma".This name comes from the Greek alphabet because they already used all of the Hurricane Names for 2005.If it comes it will probably be a Tropical Storm or even Category 1. You should see the roof damages and everything.Some people have no roofs they have Tarfs mostly all over there roof! And all the debris and everything is still on the floor,THAT CAN CAUSE HEAVY DAMAGE.Pray that this TS does not come! Some people still don't have power. HELP!!!!! Im getting sick of MIA, Hello New York? How are you today? Good and you? Well Im doing Bad because we might have another storm again! Are you serious?, But if your Power goes out How will you make your Turkey?? Good Question! Well maybe off the bar-b-que? Well Good Luck, I hope nothing comes to You.Why don't you move here? If I could I would, When Im 18, You will see me.Ok well good talking to you.Same to You.Well GB New York.Be safe.
LOL.... Well I will you posted on the latest.