HELLO, Toda Im not atending school today because my right eye is half way shut, its all red and hurts.Yesterday It was hurting a lil bit,but thought it was just a littlw bruise, but BOY was I wrong! I am going to the Doctor in a few minutes then staying at my grama's, I am bringing my laptop so I can post,chat,etc.... well g2g Bye
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Dj Set Mix!

Hello! First of all, let me start that I am FULL from that Turkey that Omi made, It was Good!!! and sooo was everything else. It was cool spending Thanksgiving with my Dad and Grandparents,My mom went to my neighbors for Dinner and said She Misses Us. Anyways This is MY CHRISTMAS LIST! Its a Dj CD MIXER! I have always wanted something like this. All those X-Mas List emails about the Dvds and games,, just keep them a side because this is my DREAM! everything else on that list is Is alright,but NOT THRILLED about it. HERE Is the link that has all the specs about it!: http://cgi.ebay.com/NIB-ION-CD-DJ-MIXER-MIXING-STATION-TURNTABLE-MIXMAN-NEW_W0QQitemZ7369923589QQcategoryZ101985QQtcZphotoQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Well Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy TURKEY Day!!
Happy Turkey Day Everyone! Today I am going to Omi's House with my Dad,Conrad and Fred. My computer's internet is down,so im at my friends house posting for you guys! Well Enjoy your Turkey! And sorry I can not think of what I want for Christmas yet(Sorry, Im Still thinking.......................) Well G2G Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Another DAM STORM!!!!!!!!
Hello, There is another DAM STORM that might come. Its called"Gamma".This name comes from the Greek alphabet because they already used all of the Hurricane Names for 2005.If it comes it will probably be a Tropical Storm or even Category 1. You should see the roof damages and everything.Some people have no roofs they have Tarfs mostly all over there roof! And all the debris and everything is still on the floor,THAT CAN CAUSE HEAVY DAMAGE.Pray that this TS does not come! Some people still don't have power. HELP!!!!! Im getting sick of MIA, Hello New York? How are you today? Good and you? Well Im doing Bad because we might have another storm again! Are you serious?, But if your Power goes out How will you make your Turkey?? Good Question! Well maybe off the bar-b-que? Well Good Luck, I hope nothing comes to You.Why don't you move here? If I could I would, When Im 18, You will see me.Ok well good talking to you.Same to You.Well GB New York.Be safe.
LOL.... Well I will you posted on the latest.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
A Child called "It"
Hello,I actually started reading a book!Its a miracle!(HaAhLuYa,HaAhLuYa) This is THE BEST BOOK! You must read it!! It got #3 On the NewYork times Book list thingy.I started reading it the other Day.Its not a Child book its for Teens and Up.I suggest you pick this book and glue your eyes to these pages.This is what the story is about:
This is the unforgettable account of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. Dave Pelzer was brutally beaten & starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother: a mother who played torturous, unpredictable games - games that left him nearly dead. This child had to learn how to play his mother's games in order to survive because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave; & no longer a boy but an "it." Through each struggle readers find themselves enduring his pain, comforting his loneliness & fighting for his will to survive. This compelling story will awaken readers to the truth about child abuse & the ability we all have to make a difference.
Today and Tommarow
Hello, Today is Wednsday and today my DUMB Bus took forever to pick us up from school!!! So I decided to STOP riding the Bus starting Monday.My mom or either my neighbor can take me to school and I walk home on the way back.The Reason for this is not only because of today its because its Boring and I don't like it.Also the bus driver always says"WHERES Ma CHECKA"???? Errrr...... Anyways tommarow is Early Relese Day(Yaaa!!!) Everybody leaves School at 1:30 BABY!! I am going to walk to Dairy Queen(Umm!!)And Wednsday Night we went to SYMS and Marshalls to get clothes for Conrad's Homecoming this Saturday.And then we ate at an Italian Restaurant and I had LASANGNA!!(Umm.. More)And thats it!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Dam I think I just found my Favorite Show! Its called Prison Break. It is on FOX, and about a Guy that goes to Jail to save his brother from getting killed from Death Roll. Then he has plans to escape and knows were to go to escape.I think tonight(MoNDAY) is the last episode.It is a 2 hour Season-Finale. This will be coming out soon to DVD, so Go to netflix and type in PRISON BREAK and rent the Season.I know i will rent it A.S.A.P!!! And the solution foe those No school days will be that we will have to make up those Teacher Planning Days, that we were supposed to have off.Booo.And we get out of school 2 days LATER!!(Dam Dade County! Errrr.... Its not our fault some dumb Hurricane. I Hate KATRINA,RITA and especially WILMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WHY IS SIMONE The ONLY ONE THAT READS MY BLOG??? Thanks.... But CAN You make a Post to tell ur Blogger friends to please read my BLOG! And COMMENT THEM! Thats why I harly post. Well Thanks for reading! Bye
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Back to School!!
Hello, On thursday Im going back to School! The Superintendent of Miami Dade Public Schools was calling alot of our houses to remind us that there is school on Thursday. They are considering to make us make up those days by taking off some No school days because of holidays like Vetarans Day next Friday,they might put school on that day when there is supposed to be school that Day. Well at least I will Have Halloween CANDY to MUNCH ON!!! Well thats a picture of my school. Bye
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