Hello, Saturday I am going to another Quince! I am not going to wear a Jacket this time, because last time I was the only idiot wearing a Jacket. Everybody else was just wearing Dress Pants and a tie with long sleeve shirts(Except the people that were in the performance). So this time I don't really feel like wearing a Suit. But I hope its Fun! And thank GOD for American Express GIFTCARDS! They are the best! They beat Cash as a present and look nicer, they also look Like a credit card! Next weekend I feel like going to the movies with my friends and hanging out at the mall.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Happy Happy Happy BIRTHDAY MOM!

Today is my moms Birthday. She is turning 44 but looks like 30's(No lie).She is the BEST MOM EVER and I LOVE HER MUCHOS! I hope best wises come true! I even got her something NICE( I won't reveal it til later,til shes opens it!) I typed in Pinkish Puple because this is her favorite color! May this year be full with Fun,Joy,and Happiness. Lots of Love from BRANDON!
Monday, January 16, 2006
My Weekend in Review
- This was a nice Cold weekend. It got as low as 40 degrees.It was my dads weekend.
- On Friday, we went to a car show and had fun.Then me and my dad played Nees for Speed:Most Wanted, I bought a new memory card.
- On Saturday, we chilled out at the house and played Video games.Then we went to my dads "FRIEND's" Daughter's 10th Birthday Party.It was fun and cool.
- On Sunday, We ate Pizza and My dad and conrad watched Football,whle I was on the computer.I started watching later in the end.Then we went to Art Deco and walked around and met up with my dads "FRIEND" and her daughter.Then we went to my Grandmother's House because my mom was there,so my dad dropped us off there.
- On Monday,(MLK Day) I played outside it was a B-E-A-Utiful Day, and played some games. Then met up with my neighbors and we had lunch at BK, I had The Chicken Fries.Then went to my friends house for a little while. Now I am here posting, TTYL Bye!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
The Blizzard!
Ummm.... I love blizzards from Dairy Queen. One of my favorites is The OREO! But In think I have a new favorite, its Mint OREO or MINT M&M but they put to mant M&m's in this blizzard. But the mint is sooo good!! I am going there again next thursday for Early Release with my friends. I am friends with the owner, I get discounts!! Well I am going to go dream about it(lol).
- Update: I went to DQ and got a oreo Mint Blizzard(Umm... it was sooo good!)
Sunday, January 08, 2006
My Weekend
Hello, This was a nice cold weekend. I didnt really do much but go outside and go to thse store. On Saturday I returned the Simpsons DVD and got cresit and my mom paid the diffrence for a cool remote control car, Its FAST! It is a Dodge Charger(Same car as dukes of Hazzard) Its purple and has nice shiny lights! I like to race my friends(Up to 6 cars at a time) I think my car is the 2nd fastest in my complex. Anyways on Sunday, We were bored but we got rid of christmas tree and decoations and walked to Dairy Queen qith my friends. I got a Mint/M&M Blizzard(Umm good!). And thats about it.And I am waiting for my neighbors to come home, so I can play/race them.Well will post pics later..Bye!!!
Friday, January 06, 2006
T.G.I Friday!
Yup TGI Friday! This was a fast and nice week. Todays it was Low 50 Degrees and High 65. But tommarow is LOW 45! And high 55!! I love the cold!!!!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
New Year Resolutions
- Exersice
- Not be Lazy
- Eat healthy
- Get good Grades
- Comb Dog every day and keep her hair nice
- Not to wake up late (Never Did)
Lost memory Card :(
Hey I was playing Need for speed most wanted for PS/2 and was going to bring my memory card to my dads. I could have sworn I brought it, I got to my dads it was not there.When the weekend was over, I looked evrywhere,BUT CAN NOT FIND THE DARN MEMORY CARD!, I need the stuff saved for the game I am playing or esle I must start over. Boooo this sucks and I got far too. Maybe I buy another one and copy my friends. But I still want to find it.
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