Guess what my dad picked me up on Friday with? A MUSTANG SVT COBRA! One word "Fast". It is very nice. The interior is pretty good. Can not compare it to a Jag but Its pretty cool. The white stang is gone. the Jag will be gone soon too by dad's friend. To see a Slideshow of Pics of the car that I took then CLICK HERE.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Car of the Month
Guess what my dad picked me up on Friday with? A MUSTANG SVT COBRA! One word "Fast". It is very nice. The interior is pretty good. Can not compare it to a Jag but Its pretty cool. The white stang is gone. the Jag will be gone soon too by dad's friend. To see a Slideshow of Pics of the car that I took then CLICK HERE.
Mustang COBRA!
Guess what my dad picked me up in Friday Night! HIS 2004 MUSTANG SVT COBRA!! This car is BEA-UTIFUL! It looks new and the interior is nice, not as nice as the Jag but it has two color tone. It is FAST. The car is black and is 420HP, again 420 Hp. I like it. Boy does this Drink alot!!!
Here is some Pics, The slideshow does not work for blogger.Only on Myspace. So if you would like a slideshow just E-mail Me :)

Guess what my dad picked me up in Friday Night! HIS 2004 MUSTANG SVT COBRA!! This car is BEA-UTIFUL! It looks new and the interior is nice, not as nice as the Jag but it has two color tone. It is FAST. The car is black and is 420HP, again 420 Hp. I like it. Boy does this Drink alot!!!
Here is some Pics, The slideshow does not work for blogger.Only on Myspace. So if you would like a slideshow just E-mail Me :)
Here is some Pics, The slideshow does not work for blogger.Only on Myspace. So if you would like a slideshow just E-mail Me :)
Guess what my dad picked me up in Friday Night! HIS 2004 MUSTANG SVT COBRA!! This car is BEA-UTIFUL! It looks new and the interior is nice, not as nice as the Jag but it has two color tone. It is FAST. The car is black and is 420HP, again 420 Hp. I like it. Boy does this Drink alot!!!
Here is some Pics, The slideshow does not work for blogger.Only on Myspace. So if you would like a slideshow just E-mail Me :)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
New Look
Well this is it!! I knew it would attract more visitors!!! And I like it alot... To post a comment just press the number next to the title of the Post and it will say 0 or 1 comment(s)... I will fix my links some time later. Well leave me a comment please! Thanks
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The Negatives and Postives (Red=Neg/Green=Pos)
- Zzzz im tired. I was up to Midnight working on a project(which I still have to finish today) on Black History.
- At least,I had a Nice donut for Breakfest.
- There is no good shows or seasons to follow yet (I CAN NOT WAIT TILL THE REAL WORLD:KEY WEST ON TUESDAY THE 28TH) Other then that there is nothing else really good. Boo Hoo
- I am not signed up to Ballys yet depends if my mom signs up with me for a Family Plan.
- School Lunch Sucks like always(might switch back to bringing lunch)
- My wireless Internet still odesnt work, we have it conneected directly.Err
- My contact is bothering me
- I am In SCHOOL on a B-Day(Worst Classes today for me)
- The RazR is coming out for METRO PCS!!!!!
- I got a new mouse for my computer
- American Idol is boring now(in my opinion) because no more funny tryouts and I only like when there is like only 4 people left.
- Uhh, Can not think of anything else......
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Bye bye Netflix....... Hello Bally's!
Hello, Sorry netflix your good but....... I rather get in shape then watch a movie. I will get you back when I start getting an allowance. YAY! Today(Sunday) I will got to Bally's for the first time and sign up. They will show me all the equipment and everything. I will go with my neighbor/friend whenever he goes with his dad during the week. I can not wait (tic-toc, tic-toc).. Alot of my friends go to this gym. So I can not wait to see improvements. I am not saying that I am fat, just that I am not in shape(Example:I ran a mile for PE, my legs were soar the next day). This gym has all to offer(Jr.Olympics pool,treadmill with TV,stairmaster,weights,sauna,steamroom,etc.....) Well I WILL UPDATE LATER..bYE
Final Destination 3
Let me start off with a "WOW!". This movie was awesome. They slacked in the ways that they would die(Meaning: It was too fake in how everything would break like the rollarcoaster) But the ways of How they died was cool. if you like bloody movies,then this is the movie for you. The story was kind of good. I would give this movie from a 3-4. But I like it alot. It depends on what you think of this movie. At least there was an APPLAUSE! While I was watching this my dad was watching Pink Panther, He said it was soooooo funny, every minute the audience was laughing. I will see this next weekend either with my friends or my mom.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
SuperBowl XL
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