Well My I-Pod got the Flu. The same thing that happened to Simones I-Pod a while back, happend to mine. I would charge it and the batery would be full and then affter 2-3 songs it will display the battery sign and say recharge to power, Then SHUT OFF. I don't know if I am on warranty, we never purchased one; does I-Pod come with 1 yr warranty?? IDK?? If Im on warranty I hope they send me a I-Pod Nano (Skinnier,color) because they no longer make the MinI anymore. What do I do? Maybe I ask my mother for I-pod Video for my B-Day?? What do I do?
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Broken POD
Well My I-Pod got the Flu. The same thing that happened to Simones I-Pod a while back, happend to mine. I would charge it and the batery would be full and then affter 2-3 songs it will display the battery sign and say recharge to power, Then SHUT OFF. I don't know if I am on warranty, we never purchased one; does I-Pod come with 1 yr warranty?? IDK?? If Im on warranty I hope they send me a I-Pod Nano (Skinnier,color) because they no longer make the MinI anymore. What do I do? Maybe I ask my mother for I-pod Video for my B-Day?? What do I do?
Monday, March 27, 2006
My Fun Wknd
Well Im here in class, I had finished my classwork early. I am trying to improve my typing speed by this website(Very Good).On Friday, I went to the fair twice as planned(One a field trip and the other at night with my friends);It went well and was very fun. My father picked me up later that night at around 12:30am, I was at my friends house playing video games. On Saturday me and my father went to Homestead Speedway and saw some races...I was at rides at a carnival during the race(It was part of the event). After that we went to myDads girlfriend's house and chilled out there for a while. I actually slept in my bunk-bed in my dads house, Usually I don'ty because conrad doesnt let me sleep(Internet,phone,tv,etc..) I would usually sleep on the couch, at least I got a goodnite sleep. This weekends weather was Cool out. It got to about 50's. On Sunday, We basically chilled out, Did wash, I watched the Travel Channel and Boy did I like there Shows! There was alot of good shows..I learned alot. Then later on me and my dad had watched a TiVo'd Prison Break, while I was explaining everything that happened because it was his first time watching it. Which reminds m: Tonight at 8pm, FOX.. That show is AWESOME! Then it was time to go Home :(
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Pictures from my field Trip of Island of Adventures is here!
CLICK HERE if you don't see slideshow below:
CLICK HERE if you don't see slideshow below:
The Fair!!
Well im going on a field trip there on Friday. It looks fun but you have to pay if you would like to go rides,but No POP(Unlimted Rides for $2o) on Field Trips. I do not think I am going to go on rides during the field trip. But.... I am coming back with my friends later that night! I will purchase POP(its availabe at night) and have a good time!! I will take many cautions and look for two things while I am there:
- Fun
- Safety
WOW! It was hot today! It was 85 degrees, it felt like 100 degrees!! You know how miami people say its cold and New Yorkans say its chilli ir warm, well when New Yorkens say "its Very Hot!", Miami people would probally say "Not really, its normal..not that bad"... Yesterday I went to the pool..Boy did that feel good! Too bad it was closed today for construction :(
Monday, March 13, 2006
Well Im back! One word "FUN"... This was the funnest trip that I went to with my friends. I am going to develop the pictures this week then will post them on myspace and here. I spent all my money but not on Food. I saved all of my receits. Of course I HAD to buy Starbucks Frappuchino(Vaniila Bean) on the way there at the first rest stop. The bus ride was fun, and amusing.They played some good movies on the DVD players there. Some of the movies were Dodgeball,Happy Gilmore,Billy Madison,Spaceballs,Anger Management(SOO much Adam Sandler), and more I can not remember right now. When we got there we all chose to ride THE HULK first, IT was fun(even though I already been there) some people were chicken to go but If you know me I like to have FUN, I am NOT scared of rollarcoasters, we rode Dueling dragons, Dr.Dooms freefall,Jurrasic Park was having Technical Difficulties(Err..), My friends went on Pop-Eye Water ride, I did not go because I was not in the mood for getting Soaking wet but then i ran around it Toon Town and got wet in the water activites with some other friends.I was wet and cold but then bought a $20 Universal Towel(that was now my Souveniar,LOL)I rode on other rides and had fun. For lunch I had a Meatball sandwich(WAS GOOD), until my Stomach started to hurt. Of course i had extra money and had to buy Souveniers, I bought a nice Cuban bead with a cross with Blue water inside the cross with a rice carved with you name on the rice for my Mom and another one for my grandparents( Her birthday is this week on Wedsnday). I also got a Beer cup for my dad and a shot glass for my family friends/neighbors. I bought a Picture frame there and I am going to put a picture of me and my friends and hang it in my room. I had soooo much fun! The way back was kind of Fun and boring. It felt like forever(5 hours) and like we would never get there. Then we arrived we had to pick up the candy wrappers and stuff so when we arrived at the school I didnt get off for like 10 minutes longer. When I got off my mom was there in the car waiting for me so we drove home, I was tired, I had a GOOD CUBAN SANDWICH then layed down and was Knocked Out sleeping at around Midnight-Oneish. Then for some reason I woke up at 9AM and at 11-12 I went to Superwheels for my neighbors birthday, then got home and went to my neighbors house for cake, then ate dinner, then STUDIED FOR THE F-CAT(which was not that bad, I took it today) and went to bed. AND THAT WAS MY FULL HOUSE WEEKEND!!
P.s- i will post pics this week
P.s- i will post pics this week
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Islands Of Adventures
- $100 Cash for food and Souveniers
- Change of Clothes
- I-Pod for Bus( will rent a locker at park)
- 1 or 2 Disposable Cameras( Not bringing Digital)
- Myself
I can not wait!! I am going to sleep early on Friday at around 8pm-10pm. Alot of friends are not going to sleep that day, i think thats dumb because then you are going to be tired there..Oh well, Not my problem...As long as I have fun!
Islans Of Adventures
- $100 Cash for food and Souveniers
- Change of Clothes
- I-Pod for Bus( will rent a locker at park)
- 1 or 2 Disposable Cameras( Not bringing Digital)
- Myself
I can not wait!! I am going to sleep early on Friday at around 8pm-10pm. Alot of friends are not going to sleep that day, i think thats dumb because then you are going to be tired there..Oh well, Not my problem...As long as I have fun!
Islans Of Adventures
- $100 Cash for food and Souveniers
- Change of Clothes
- I-Pod for Bus( will rent a locker at park)
- 1 or 2 Disposable Cameras( Not bringing Digital)
- Myself
I can not wait!! I am going to sleep early on Friday at around 8pm-10pm. Alot of friends are not going to sleep that day, i think thats dumb because then you are going to be tired there..Oh well, Not my problem...As long as I have fun!
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