well yesterday was the day for my laptop to choose to break on me. My dad was using the laptop and it froze, so then we rebooted it and it would start up and not BOOT. It would just stay on a black screen. We took it too Geek Squad at best buy and they did a test and the Hardrive failed. They said it was bad and that my laptop hardrive had to be replaced. So we bought a new hardrive for a $109.99 and I installed it myself. I need the reboot CD, but its at my house and I am at my dads. So when I get home I will install it to my laptop..Ooo yea and did I mention that I will have Double the amount of memory.Before was 40 gigs, now I have 80 gigs!!! But the worst part of the story is that I lose everything in my Hardrive.I will have the old hardrive but I can not use it =( ... i will lose Last years NY pics, My NY video edited and some other files.. (Im only worried about the NY pics, the Video I have on tape, I would just have to edit it again) ... OO yea and Thanks to my dad we got wireless cards again!!! Wait.I don't have anything to use it on until I fix my laptop..but when its fixed, I can lay in bed and go on Myspace, i mean Blogger more often, me and my brother do not have to fight anymore..THANKS DAD!