I just can not wait till christmas! I love X-mas season! I love X-mas lights on everybodys house,decorarting the x-mas tree, GIVING AND RECIEVING gifts.(That reminds me, I got to start saving to buy presents for people!) I really really really hope I get the exact camera that I asked for with a memory card! I love thatg camera! I love everything about it! It already dropped $50 since I first asked for it! Its my favorite canon, I love the huge screen with the black background on the back of the camera. I also love the Zoom! And the best part is that it is 6 MP and is pretty compact. I do not like camera's too thin because I can the drop them (like my dad's!) That camera is a perfect size, not too big, and not to thin. And the phone ia sked my mother for is pretty good toO! It has all the features I like!
Sorry I have not Blogged in a long time.I have been busy and caught up with all these Dam projects my teachers are giving me...