Well, My life has been "OK", I am Broke, In School, Jobless, and too much free time on my hands!
I need a JOB! I want a JOB! I have to get a JOB! I was thinking to wait until this new shopping center opens up near my else in late January-February instead of hunting now especially since I have Winter break coming up and I want to enjoy that, so its just best to wait :).
I also can not wait to see my ADORABLE cousin Sophie and Tia in late December for Christmas!
I am also dieing for a car! I want a car sooo bad! I hear my Birthday is that magical day!
I am attending Cirque de Solei today! I hear its PHENOMENAL!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Recent Facebook Posts
Well since I like facebook better, lol I post way more there. if you don't have a face book your lost and your hiding under a rock!
Well I am super excited that I got to witness history! Our first Black President Barack Obama!! Whooo! Felt like a early New Years! So exciting!
Well here are some recent post on my status' in Facebook :)
Brandon says YAY NORMAL COMMERCIALS NOW! 7:35pm -
Brandon is shocked! I told u! YES.WE.DID! 6:47am -
11/4/08 (Election Day)
Brandon is going to attempt to go to sleep. Nite. (Tonight was one of the most memorable moments in History!) Congrats Pressident Obama. 12:44am -
Brandon doesn't want to go to sleep! LOL Obamaaa! 12:25am -
Brandon is sooo excited!! YES.WE.DID. 11:20pm -
Brandon says YES.WE.DID bitchess!! 11:08pm -
Brandon says I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11:02pm -
Brandon says this election is more exciting than the World Series was! gObama! 10:47pm -
Brandon says YES WE CAN bitchess! Obama 08'! 10:27pm -
Brandon can't wait to see them announce our new President OBAMA! 10:20pm - 5 Comments
Brandon says YES WE CAN BITCHES! WE GOT THIS!! 9:48pm -
Brandon is super happy Obamaa is winning! TAKE THAT McCAIN LOVERS "/. 9:28pm -
Brandon is happy Obama is winning so far! Let's go!! 8:13pm -
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 6:11pm
LOL old school voting!!!
Brandon says our moment is NOW vote Obamaa!!! And vote yes on 8!! 2:31pm -
Brandon says our moment is NOW vote Obama!!! 2:28pm -
Brandon is going to film the elections at school now.. and dont forget to VOTE FOR OBAMAA!!! 9:03am -
Nov 3
Brandon is chillin! No school tomorrow! 10:22pm -
Brandon says gObamaa!! 4:29pm -
Brandon says damn the sun is up early now..I like it! LOL. 6:41am -
Nov 2
Brandon commented on Benton Launerts's photo. 10:19pm
That krispy kreme looks gooooood!
Brandon can't believe there wasn't even ONE MURDER in October in Florida! 10:14pm - 2 Comments
Brandon says Obama better frikking win!! 10:08pm -
Brandon is through with appyling! I applied at SO many stores,etc. 8:24pm -
Brandon says goo dolphins! 6:20pm - Comment
Brandon is applying at different places :) -I hope I get hired! 2:03pm -
Brandon is staying home and watching movies...it's that kind of day. 11:16am -
Brandon says change your clocks! 9:19am -
Nov 1
Brandon is in need of a job! Where should I work? 7:34pm -
Brandon is bored!! I need a job! 1:00pm
Brandon is eating candy for breakfast! 11:01am -
Oct 31
Brandon is at the groveee!! 10:10pm -
Brandon is happy with some of the candy he just got, now its time to get ready and GO OUT! 7:22pm -
Brandon just got his candy not its time to get ready and go out!! 7:20pm -
Brandon is asking what are your plans for tonight? 3:10pm -
Brandon can't wait till tonight! Happy Halloween! 12:42pm -
Brandon can't wait till tomorrow! 11:20pm -
Brandon made plans for HALLOWEEN! 8:20pm -
Brandon is clueless for HALLOWEEN! "/. 8:03pm -
Brandon is tired and wants to go home & Sleep!!!! 1:59pm -
Brandon is tired,lazy and COLD! 7:11am -
Oct 29
Brandon says that was the gayest world series ever!
Brandon says HAPPY HALLOWEEEEN!! :P.
Brandon is loving the COOL weather! 12:28pm -
Oct 28
Brandon is enjoing the COOL weather w/ his windows open..hopes THE COLD stays! 10:01pm
Brandon LOVES the cold! 7:00am - 2 Comments
Oct 27
Brandon wants Guitar Hero World Tour sooo bad! 8:36pm -
Oct 26
Brandon can't wait for tomorrows cold front :]. 10:03pm -
Brandon : Whoo dolphins!! Good wknd! Ferguson Falcons + Miami Dolphins both won!! ;). 5:35pm - 2 Comments
Brandon says Lets go DOLPHINSSS!!'. 1:10pm -
Brandon is up...hungry for brkfst! 10:24am -
Oct 25
Brandon is watching a movieee! 8:54pm -
Brandon is watching a moov. 8:53pm -
Brandon is deciding what to do tonight! 8:27pm -
Brandon is deciding what to do tonight... 5:57pm -
Brandon is bored....doesn't know his plans for today. 2:11pm
Brandon is up already...doesn't know what his plans for today is..... 10:08am -
Oct 24
Brandon needs a JOB! 6:15pm -
Brandon is job hunting.... 4:18pm -
Oct 22
Brandon is so mad that he couldn't make his "Im with stupid" shirt...WTF. 9:07pm - 1 Comment
Brandon is chillin. 7:56pm -
Brandon is home :) might decorate the house halloweenish now... 3:31pm
Brandon says congrats Ferguson!!!! Nice win vs Braddock Bulldogs! 10:09pm
Brandon can't wait to get switched out of Chemistry! 8:17pm - 1 Comment
Brandon wishes he really had sound proof doors and walls for A LOT of reasons!! 7:39pm - 2 Comments
randon is studing for this stupid test! 7:38pm -
Oct 19
Brandon is DONE with his 4 page report!! :). 9:24pm -
Brandon is about to start his 4 page report "/ 7:54 pm
Brandon says "C'mon dolphins WTF? 3:38pm -
Brandon says GOO DOLPHINS!! 1:16pm - Comment
Brandon is at breakfast. 11:52am - Comment
Oct 18
Brandon is happy FERGUSON got 1st place in TV prod. Competitions! 7:14pm -
Brandon is happy ferguson got 1st place in TV prod. Competitins! 7:13pm
Brandon is happy that FERGUSON got 1st PLACE!!! 2:52pm -
Brandon is @ FIU for Journalism Day. 9:03am -
Brandon is on his way to FIU for TV competitions ;). 7:46am - 1 Comment
Oct 17
Brandon says Early Night.TV Prod competitions tomorrow! 8:30am! -For now: Gins Gins umm..! 8:54pm - 1 Comment
Oct 16
Brandon had a LONG day! Tired.... 10:43pm -
Brandon is @ Miami's Best Pizzaa w/ Chrisbel .I wonder if it's really the best?..... 4:23pm -
Brandon is in espaƱol class :). 9:42am
randon became a fan of Coldstone Creamery. 10:13pm
Food and Beverage
11,164 fans
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Brandon says gObama! 10:12pm - Comment
Brandon is back from escuela (school) :P. 10:09pm - Comment
Brandon is watchin Rob & Big! Has to go BACK to school at 6 for TV prod. 4:45pm - Comment
Oct 14
Brandon is about to knock out-ugh school tomorrow! 11:53pm - Comment
Brandon became a supporter of Barack Obama. 11:53pm
2,579,417 supporters
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Brandon has to do HW -ugh'. 5:14pm - 1 Comment
Henry Yee at 5:16pm October 14
Hair Weaves?
Have fun.
Brandon wants to go home and relax...! 12:00pm - Comment
Oct 13
Brandon HATES being sick! (AGAIN). 9:08pm - Comment
Brandon commented on Henry Yee's photo. 4:18pm
Look its David!
Brandon is hoping he's not catching ANOTHER damn cold! God No! 4:17pm -
Brandon is finally home! 2:58pm - Comment
Brandon is happy only one more class left for the day! 12:55pm - 2 Comments
Benton Launerts at 2:31pm October 13
Posting from class? Gotta love iphones!
Brandon Launerts at 2:58pm October 13
Oct 12
Brandon commented on Benton Launerts's photo. 10:28pm
Mardi Gras on the water! (New Orelans in Katrina) JK..
I can tell you had fun....
Brandon commented on Benton Launerts's photo. 10:26pm
She has alot of BEADS!
Brandon is tired from this wknd. (Gym + Sun + Water = :). 10:25pm - Comment
Brandon is sad about the dolphins..... "/. 4:05pm - Comment
Brandon says GO DOLPHINS! 1:06pm - Comment
Brandon is about to go bake again in the sun... 10:34am - Comment
Oct 11
Brandon is friking tired from the Pool + Gym. 7:42pm - Comment
Brandon is working out at LA fitness. (Signed up today). 6:21pm - Comment
Brandon is baking in the sun! 1:20pm - Comment
Brandon is about to go get some sun! 11:36am - Comment
Oct 10
Brandon wants, no NEEDS his car already.. 11:53pm - Comment
Brandon became a fan of Starbucks. 11:53pm
279,457 fans
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Brandon slept through his Friday...bored out of his mind now! I need a JOB! 8:43pm - Comment
Brandon is watching "Spanglish" in Spanish class. 9:59am - Comment
Brandon is happy it's Friday! 7:05am - Comment
Oct 9
Brandon is watching "A night at the Roxbury!" 10:08pm - Comment
Brandon is watching Men in Black 2! 8:10pm - Comment
Brandon is playing TV Trivia and got this question correct. In Prison Break, Who said, "sarah it won't always be like this behind these walls" Play TV Trivia >>. 1:49pm - Comment - Show 1 More Post
Brandon just had an awesome healthy lunch! (Straw. Smoothie I made + Tuna w/ Crackers). 1:47pm -
Brandon is going to at a haircut. 11:56am - Comment
Brandon just applied at walgreens :D. 12:21am - Comment
Oct 8
Brandon is thinking what to do later.. (no school tomorrow). 6:23pm - 1 Comment
Henry Yee at 9:22pm October 8
You should spend it doing homework.
Brandon is out of class! Happy no school tomorrow!!! 2:29pm - Comment
Brandon is bored in class...history next! 12:52pm - Comment
Oct 7
Brandon is looking at his JUNIOR ring papers! Class of 10' ! 8:13pm - 2 Comments
Simone Launerts at 8:37pm October 7
What are JUNIOR ring papers? Are you getting a class ring? You know no one wears those past graduation!
Brandon Launerts at 10:45am October 9
read the comment I left on your wall ;)
Brandon is selling magazine subscriptions! 80% off-Message me. 3:06pm - Comment
Brandon had FCAT today. I hope I passed! :P. 3:04pm - Comment
Brandon is here in Denny's for a big breakfast for the FCAT today! 6:12am - 2 Comments
Oct 5
Brandon is going to bed early for F-CAT tomorrow! 9:09pm - 2 Comments
Sarah Perez at 9:24pm
October 5
how long does FCAT last?
Brandon Launerts at 3:17pm
October 6
until your finished
Brandon is back home. 5:47pm -
Brandon says GO DOLPHINS! 1:04pm -
Brandon says that was a piece of sh*t fight... 12:14am
Oct 4
Brandon is pissed that Shamrock ISN'T fighting... 9:21pm -
Brandon is ready to see the fight Shamrock vs. KIMBO! 8:36pm -
Brandon says it's a boring Saturday. 6:37pm -
Brandon became a fan of oreos. 3:49pm
362,886 fans
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Brandon is chillin at his dads housee. 3:49pm -
Brandon says byeee Aunt Simone! 11:04am -
Oct 3
Brandon is chilling with the aunt! From NY! Fam BBQ. 9:54pm -
Brandon is waiting for Simone! 7:00pm -
Brandon is ready for school..looves friidayss! 6:48am -
Oct 2
Brandon is watching the debate.... O' Biden! 10:02pm -
Brandon wants to sign up at LA FITNESS baaadly! 3:19pm -
Brandon thinks SNORING is annoying!!!!!!!!!!! 12:25am -
Oct 1
Brandon is selling Warheads $1 for junior board.. 12:48pm -
Brandon is on his way to school... 7:07am -
Sep 30
Brandon is moving to NEW YORK in 5 years.... :)
Brandon is watching the first 48! Ready to go to sleep.. 9:29pm -
Brandon says to upgrade to Facebook 2.0 to all iPhone users! It rocks. 11:32am -
Brandon is chillin at home on his day off from school! :D. 11:29am -
Sep 29
Brandon wishes he was in NY partying with all his cousins! ;( - i mss u all - . 9:49pm -
Brandon is deciding what to do tomorrow..... 8:33pm -
Brandon just took a nice nap! . 6:21pm -
Brandon is in math class. 12:21pm -
Sep 28
Brandon is watching sports.... 11:06pm
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Oct 8
Brandon is out of class! Happy no school tomorrow!!! 2:29pm - Comment
Brandon is bored in class...history next! 12:52pm - Comment
Oct 7
Brandon is looking at his JUNIOR ring papers! Class of 10' ! 8:13pm - 2 Comments
Simone Launerts at 8:37pm October 7
What are JUNIOR ring papers? Are you getting a class ring? You know no one wears those past graduation!
Brandon Launerts at 10:45am October 9
read the comment I left on your wall ;)
Oct 6
From the album: Rosh Hashanah
By Simone Launerts
Sophie and here mama..
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From the album: Rosh Hashanah
By Simone Launerts
Sophie's first White Castle
She's had White castle before me!
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From the album: Rosh Hashanah
By Simone Launerts
My beautiful baby cousin Sophie!
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Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:13pm
Favorite! New wallpaper!
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:12pm
Me too!
"I wanna go back and play in the street!"
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:12pm
Tall mama
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:11pm
Lucky! She had a "real" white castle burger before me!
-And she seen snow before me!-
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:10pm
OMG! Mini Mitzi!
Her hair has gotten soooo long!
ily soph
Brandon is selling magazine subscriptions! 80% off-Message me. 3:06pm -
Brandon had FCAT today. I hope I passed! :P. 3:04pm -
Brandon is here in Denny's for a big breakfast for the FCAT today! 6:12am - 2 Comments
Simone Launerts at 7:39am October 6
That'll make you fall asleep and work slower! Bad idea. Good luck though : )
Brandon Launerts at 3:08pm October 6
ThanksL..I didn't have a big breakfast a good breakfast. It was perfect! I hope I passed! And I wasn't tired AT ALL during the whole test! :)
Oct 5
Brandon is going to bed early for F-CAT tomorrow! 9:09pm - 2 Comments
Sarah Perez at 9:24pm October 5
how long does FCAT last?
Brandon Launerts at 3:17pm October 6
until your finished
Brandon is back home. 5:47pm -
Brandon says GO DOLPHINS! 1:04pm -
Brandon says that was a piece of sh*t fight... 12:14am -
Oct 4
Brandon is pissed that Shamrock ISN'T fighting... 9:21pm -
Brandon is ready to see the fight Shamrock vs. KIMBO! 8:36pm -
Brandon says it's a boring Saturday. 6:37pm -
Brandon became a fan of oreos. 3:49pm
362,886 fans
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Brandon is chillin at his dads housee. 3:49pm -
Brandon says byeee Aunt Simone! 11:04am -
Oct 3
Brandon is chilling with the aunt! From NY! Fam BBQ. 9:54pm -
Mobile Uploads - 1 new photo 7:20pm
Aunt Simone from NY ;)
Brandon is waiting for Simone! 7:00pm -
Brandon is ready for school..looves friidayss! 6:48am -
Oct 2
Brandon is watching the debate.... O' Biden! 10:02pm -
Brandon wants to sign up at LA FITNESS baaadly! 3:19pm -
Brandon thinks SNORING is annoying!!!!!!!!!!! 12:25am -
Oct 1
Brandon is selling Warheads $1 for junior board.. 12:48pm -
Brandon is on his way to school... 7:07am -
Sep 30
Brandon is moving to NEW YORK in 5 years.... :). 10:18pm - 1 Comment
Cira Launerts at 10:48pm September 30
You leaving your mom?
Brandon is watching the first 48! Ready to go to sleep.. 9:29pm -
Mobile Uploads - 1 new photo 3:30pm
Taking it back 10 years....
Brandon says to upgrade to Facebook 2.0 to all iPhone users! It rocks. 11:32am -
Brandon is chillin at home on his day off from school! :D. 11:29am -
Sep 29
Brandon wishes he was in NY partying with all his cousins! ;( - i mss u all - . 9:49pm -
Brandon is deciding what to do tomorrow..... 8:33pm -
Brandon just took a nice nap! . 6:21pm -
Brandon is in math class. 12:21pm -
Sep 28
Brandon is watching sports.... 11:06pm -
Brandon became a fan of Adam Sandler. 11:06pm
808,735 fans
Brandon just finished homework! Now editing, then TV, then sleep! 8:50pm -
Brandon just returned from driving through some nasty weather!! 7:20pm -
Brandon says congrats Marlins on their last win in the last game in Shea stadium vs the Mets! goodbye shea stadium..marlins blessed it. . 5:16pm - 2 Comments
Henry Yee at 5:23pm September 28
Congrats to the Marlins. Bah, Mets choked.
Brandon Launerts at 8:48pm September 28
Thanks! Too bad Mets lost in their last game in their ex-stadium :(
Brandon is on his way back home.... 5:13pm -
Brandon is at Oasis Cafe! 3:53pm - 1 Comment
Brandon is awake... 9:59am - Comment
Sep 27
Brandon is flipping in the air! bungee jumpingg. 7:24pm - Comment
Brandon commented on Heydi Reinoso's photo. 6:40pm
lmao look it's jorge! I'm used to him wearing dq clothes! lmao congrats jorge
Brandon is at county line race trac..,wishing he was in NY right now. 6:34pm - Comment
Brandon is watching this damn movie in English subtitles.WTF? I don't get it... . 2:46pm - Comment
Brandon is waiting for Lakeview Terrace to start :) . 2:13pm - Comment
Brandon became a fan of All That. 10:36am
TV Show
51,340 fans
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Brandon is waiting to get picked up.... 10:36am - Comment
Sep 26
Brandon says to try to notice how many times McCain blinks when he talks lmao..(he's Lying!) 9:45pm - 1 Comment
Heydi Reinoso at 10:03pm September 26
yesss he iss. GO OBAMA!
look at my status and go on the website and tke the test. it tells u which presidential candidate u agree with the most but it doesnt tell u till the end. let me know what u got!!!
Brandon is watching a soap opera...the presidential debate...lmao. 9:25pm -
Brandon ..everything planned for tonight didn't happen... 8:21pm -
Brandon hates friday nights at the house! 8:10pm -
Brandon is going outside . 7:25pm -
Brandon is done! 6:55pm -
Brandon is drying his dog . 6:39pm -
Brandon says what's the point of washing the dog if she's going to the groomer tomorrow? POINTLESS I say... 6:09pm -
Brandon has to wash his damn dog on a Friday! err... 5:58pm -
Brandon Is happy it's Friday...was supposed to be in New York :/. 3:24pm -
Brandon was supposed to be in New York right now :/. 9:34am -
Sep 25
Brandon is on his way to coldstone for some free ice cream! coldstone.com. 4:41pm -
Brandon is in math class . 10:45am -
Sep 24
Brandon says the Eagle Eye premiere was awwesome! thx Ozon . 10:31pm
Brandon is awake... 9:59am - Comment
Sep 27
Brandon is flipping in the air! bungee jumpingg. 7:24pm - Comment
Brandon commented on Heydi Reinoso's photo. 6:40pm
lmao look it's jorge! I'm used to him wearing dq clothes! lmao congrats jorge
Brandon is at county line race trac..,wishing he was in NY right now. 6:34pm - Comment
Brandon is watching this damn movie in English subtitles.WTF? I don't get it... . 2:46pm - Comment
Brandon is waiting for Lakeview Terrace to start :) . 2:13pm - Comment
Brandon became a fan of All That. 10:36am
TV Show
51,340 fans
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Brandon is waiting to get picked up.... 10:36am - Comment
Sep 26
Brandon says to try to notice how many times McCain blinks when he talks lmao..(he's Lying!) 9:45pm - 1 Comment
Heydi Reinoso at 10:03pm September 26
yesss he iss. GO OBAMA!
look at my status and go on the website and tke the test. it tells u which presidential candidate u agree with the most but it doesnt tell u till the end. let me know what u got!!!
Brandon is watching a soap opera...the presidential debate...lmao. 9:25pm -
Brandon ..everything planned for tonight didn't happen... 8:21pm -
Brandon hates friday nights at the house! 8:10pm -
Brandon is going outside . 7:25pm -
Brandon is done! 6:55pm - Comment
Brandon is drying his dog . 6:39pm -
Brandon says what's the point of washing the dog if she's going to the groomer tomorrow? POINTLESS I say... 6:09pm - Comment
Brandon has to wash his damn dog on a Friday! err... 5:58pm -
Brandon Is happy it's Friday...was supposed to be in New York :/. 3:24pm -
Brandon was supposed to be in New York right now :/. 9:34am -
Sep 25
Brandon is on his way to coldstone for some free ice cream! coldstone.com. 4:41pm -
Brandon is in math class . 10:45am -
Sep 24
Brandon says the Eagle Eye premiere was awwesome! thx Ozon . 10:31pm
randon loved eagle eye! . 10:23pm -
Brandon is waiting in line for Eagle eye premiere :). 6:47pm -
Brandon is in espanol class. 9:49am
Brandon is praying be goes to NY next wknd! . 9:34am -
Sep 21
Brandon is watching the Yankees stadium closing ceremony. 7:44pm -
Brandon TOUCHDOWN!!! 2:18pm -
Brandon wishes he was in NY to see the Yankees last game in their stadium.starts soon. 2:16pm -
Brandon says GOO DOLPHINS! . 2:13pm -
Brandon is ready to watch the Dolphins game! Go DOLPHINS! 12:24pm -
Sep 20
Brandon just had Cuban food (;. 9:00pm
Brandon is watching the marlins! 7:05pm -
Brandon is editing the junior voting trip video.... 2:27pm -
Brandon is at breakfast. 10:17am
too many more posts...............
Well I am super excited that I got to witness history! Our first Black President Barack Obama!! Whooo! Felt like a early New Years! So exciting!
Well here are some recent post on my status' in Facebook :)
Brandon says YAY NORMAL COMMERCIALS NOW! 7:35pm -
Brandon is shocked! I told u! YES.WE.DID! 6:47am -
11/4/08 (Election Day)
Brandon is going to attempt to go to sleep. Nite. (Tonight was one of the most memorable moments in History!) Congrats Pressident Obama. 12:44am -
Brandon doesn't want to go to sleep! LOL Obamaaa! 12:25am -
Brandon is sooo excited!! YES.WE.DID. 11:20pm -
Brandon says YES.WE.DID bitchess!! 11:08pm -
Brandon says I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11:02pm -
Brandon says this election is more exciting than the World Series was! gObama! 10:47pm -
Brandon says YES WE CAN bitchess! Obama 08'! 10:27pm -
Brandon can't wait to see them announce our new President OBAMA! 10:20pm - 5 Comments
Brandon says YES WE CAN BITCHES! WE GOT THIS!! 9:48pm -
Brandon is super happy Obamaa is winning! TAKE THAT McCAIN LOVERS "/. 9:28pm -
Brandon is happy Obama is winning so far! Let's go!! 8:13pm -
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 6:11pm
LOL old school voting!!!
Brandon says our moment is NOW vote Obamaa!!! And vote yes on 8!! 2:31pm -
Brandon says our moment is NOW vote Obama!!! 2:28pm -
Brandon is going to film the elections at school now.. and dont forget to VOTE FOR OBAMAA!!! 9:03am -
Nov 3
Brandon is chillin! No school tomorrow! 10:22pm -
Brandon says gObamaa!! 4:29pm -
Brandon says damn the sun is up early now..I like it! LOL. 6:41am -
Nov 2
Brandon commented on Benton Launerts's photo. 10:19pm
That krispy kreme looks gooooood!
Brandon can't believe there wasn't even ONE MURDER in October in Florida! 10:14pm - 2 Comments
Brandon says Obama better frikking win!! 10:08pm -
Brandon is through with appyling! I applied at SO many stores,etc. 8:24pm -
Brandon says goo dolphins! 6:20pm - Comment
Brandon is applying at different places :) -I hope I get hired! 2:03pm -
Brandon is staying home and watching movies...it's that kind of day. 11:16am -
Brandon says change your clocks! 9:19am -
Nov 1
Brandon is in need of a job! Where should I work? 7:34pm -
Brandon is bored!! I need a job! 1:00pm
Brandon is eating candy for breakfast! 11:01am -
Oct 31
Brandon is at the groveee!! 10:10pm -
Brandon is happy with some of the candy he just got, now its time to get ready and GO OUT! 7:22pm -
Brandon just got his candy not its time to get ready and go out!! 7:20pm -
Brandon is asking what are your plans for tonight? 3:10pm -
Brandon can't wait till tonight! Happy Halloween! 12:42pm -
Brandon can't wait till tomorrow! 11:20pm -
Brandon made plans for HALLOWEEN! 8:20pm -
Brandon is clueless for HALLOWEEN! "/. 8:03pm -
Brandon is tired and wants to go home & Sleep!!!! 1:59pm -
Brandon is tired,lazy and COLD! 7:11am -
Oct 29
Brandon says that was the gayest world series ever!
Brandon says HAPPY HALLOWEEEEN!! :P.
Brandon is loving the COOL weather! 12:28pm -
Oct 28
Brandon is enjoing the COOL weather w/ his windows open..hopes THE COLD stays! 10:01pm
Brandon LOVES the cold! 7:00am - 2 Comments
Oct 27
Brandon wants Guitar Hero World Tour sooo bad! 8:36pm -
Oct 26
Brandon can't wait for tomorrows cold front :]. 10:03pm -
Brandon : Whoo dolphins!! Good wknd! Ferguson Falcons + Miami Dolphins both won!! ;). 5:35pm - 2 Comments
Brandon says Lets go DOLPHINSSS!!'. 1:10pm -
Brandon is up...hungry for brkfst! 10:24am -
Oct 25
Brandon is watching a movieee! 8:54pm -
Brandon is watching a moov. 8:53pm -
Brandon is deciding what to do tonight! 8:27pm -
Brandon is deciding what to do tonight... 5:57pm -
Brandon is bored....doesn't know his plans for today. 2:11pm
Brandon is up already...doesn't know what his plans for today is..... 10:08am -
Oct 24
Brandon needs a JOB! 6:15pm -
Brandon is job hunting.... 4:18pm -
Oct 22
Brandon is so mad that he couldn't make his "Im with stupid" shirt...WTF. 9:07pm - 1 Comment
Brandon is chillin. 7:56pm -
Brandon is home :) might decorate the house halloweenish now... 3:31pm
Brandon says congrats Ferguson!!!! Nice win vs Braddock Bulldogs! 10:09pm
Brandon can't wait to get switched out of Chemistry! 8:17pm - 1 Comment
Brandon wishes he really had sound proof doors and walls for A LOT of reasons!! 7:39pm - 2 Comments
randon is studing for this stupid test! 7:38pm -
Oct 19
Brandon is DONE with his 4 page report!! :). 9:24pm -
Brandon is about to start his 4 page report "/ 7:54 pm
Brandon says "C'mon dolphins WTF? 3:38pm -
Brandon says GOO DOLPHINS!! 1:16pm - Comment
Brandon is at breakfast. 11:52am - Comment
Oct 18
Brandon is happy FERGUSON got 1st place in TV prod. Competitions! 7:14pm -
Brandon is happy ferguson got 1st place in TV prod. Competitins! 7:13pm
Brandon is happy that FERGUSON got 1st PLACE!!! 2:52pm -
Brandon is @ FIU for Journalism Day. 9:03am -
Brandon is on his way to FIU for TV competitions ;). 7:46am - 1 Comment
Oct 17
Brandon says Early Night.TV Prod competitions tomorrow! 8:30am! -For now: Gins Gins umm..! 8:54pm - 1 Comment
Oct 16
Brandon had a LONG day! Tired.... 10:43pm -
Brandon is @ Miami's Best Pizzaa w/ Chrisbel .I wonder if it's really the best?..... 4:23pm -
Brandon is in espaƱol class :). 9:42am
randon became a fan of Coldstone Creamery. 10:13pm
Food and Beverage
11,164 fans
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Brandon says gObama! 10:12pm - Comment
Brandon is back from escuela (school) :P. 10:09pm - Comment
Brandon is watchin Rob & Big! Has to go BACK to school at 6 for TV prod. 4:45pm - Comment
Oct 14
Brandon is about to knock out-ugh school tomorrow! 11:53pm - Comment
Brandon became a supporter of Barack Obama. 11:53pm
2,579,417 supporters
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Brandon has to do HW -ugh'. 5:14pm - 1 Comment
Henry Yee at 5:16pm October 14
Hair Weaves?
Have fun.
Brandon wants to go home and relax...! 12:00pm - Comment
Oct 13
Brandon HATES being sick! (AGAIN). 9:08pm - Comment
Brandon commented on Henry Yee's photo. 4:18pm
Look its David!
Brandon is hoping he's not catching ANOTHER damn cold! God No! 4:17pm -
Brandon is finally home! 2:58pm - Comment
Brandon is happy only one more class left for the day! 12:55pm - 2 Comments
Benton Launerts at 2:31pm October 13
Posting from class? Gotta love iphones!
Brandon Launerts at 2:58pm October 13
Oct 12
Brandon commented on Benton Launerts's photo. 10:28pm
Mardi Gras on the water! (New Orelans in Katrina) JK..
I can tell you had fun....
Brandon commented on Benton Launerts's photo. 10:26pm
She has alot of BEADS!
Brandon is tired from this wknd. (Gym + Sun + Water = :). 10:25pm - Comment
Brandon is sad about the dolphins..... "/. 4:05pm - Comment
Brandon says GO DOLPHINS! 1:06pm - Comment
Brandon is about to go bake again in the sun... 10:34am - Comment
Oct 11
Brandon is friking tired from the Pool + Gym. 7:42pm - Comment
Brandon is working out at LA fitness. (Signed up today). 6:21pm - Comment
Brandon is baking in the sun! 1:20pm - Comment
Brandon is about to go get some sun! 11:36am - Comment
Oct 10
Brandon wants, no NEEDS his car already.. 11:53pm - Comment
Brandon became a fan of Starbucks. 11:53pm
279,457 fans
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Brandon slept through his Friday...bored out of his mind now! I need a JOB! 8:43pm - Comment
Brandon is watching "Spanglish" in Spanish class. 9:59am - Comment
Brandon is happy it's Friday! 7:05am - Comment
Oct 9
Brandon is watching "A night at the Roxbury!" 10:08pm - Comment
Brandon is watching Men in Black 2! 8:10pm - Comment
Brandon is playing TV Trivia and got this question correct. In Prison Break, Who said, "sarah it won't always be like this behind these walls" Play TV Trivia >>. 1:49pm - Comment - Show 1 More Post
Brandon just had an awesome healthy lunch! (Straw. Smoothie I made + Tuna w/ Crackers). 1:47pm -
Brandon is going to at a haircut. 11:56am - Comment
Brandon just applied at walgreens :D. 12:21am - Comment
Oct 8
Brandon is thinking what to do later.. (no school tomorrow). 6:23pm - 1 Comment
Henry Yee at 9:22pm October 8
You should spend it doing homework.
Brandon is out of class! Happy no school tomorrow!!! 2:29pm - Comment
Brandon is bored in class...history next! 12:52pm - Comment
Oct 7
Brandon is looking at his JUNIOR ring papers! Class of 10' ! 8:13pm - 2 Comments
Simone Launerts at 8:37pm October 7
What are JUNIOR ring papers? Are you getting a class ring? You know no one wears those past graduation!
Brandon Launerts at 10:45am October 9
read the comment I left on your wall ;)
Brandon is selling magazine subscriptions! 80% off-Message me. 3:06pm - Comment
Brandon had FCAT today. I hope I passed! :P. 3:04pm - Comment
Brandon is here in Denny's for a big breakfast for the FCAT today! 6:12am - 2 Comments
Oct 5
Brandon is going to bed early for F-CAT tomorrow! 9:09pm - 2 Comments
Sarah Perez at 9:24pm
October 5
how long does FCAT last?
Brandon Launerts at 3:17pm
October 6
until your finished
Brandon is back home. 5:47pm -
Brandon says GO DOLPHINS! 1:04pm -
Brandon says that was a piece of sh*t fight... 12:14am
Oct 4
Brandon is pissed that Shamrock ISN'T fighting... 9:21pm -
Brandon is ready to see the fight Shamrock vs. KIMBO! 8:36pm -
Brandon says it's a boring Saturday. 6:37pm -
Brandon became a fan of oreos. 3:49pm
362,886 fans
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Brandon is chillin at his dads housee. 3:49pm -
Brandon says byeee Aunt Simone! 11:04am -
Oct 3
Brandon is chilling with the aunt! From NY! Fam BBQ. 9:54pm -
Brandon is waiting for Simone! 7:00pm -
Brandon is ready for school..looves friidayss! 6:48am -
Oct 2
Brandon is watching the debate.... O' Biden! 10:02pm -
Brandon wants to sign up at LA FITNESS baaadly! 3:19pm -
Brandon thinks SNORING is annoying!!!!!!!!!!! 12:25am -
Oct 1
Brandon is selling Warheads $1 for junior board.. 12:48pm -
Brandon is on his way to school... 7:07am -
Sep 30
Brandon is moving to NEW YORK in 5 years.... :)
Brandon is watching the first 48! Ready to go to sleep.. 9:29pm -
Brandon says to upgrade to Facebook 2.0 to all iPhone users! It rocks. 11:32am -
Brandon is chillin at home on his day off from school! :D. 11:29am -
Sep 29
Brandon wishes he was in NY partying with all his cousins! ;( - i mss u all - . 9:49pm -
Brandon is deciding what to do tomorrow..... 8:33pm -
Brandon just took a nice nap! . 6:21pm -
Brandon is in math class. 12:21pm -
Sep 28
Brandon is watching sports.... 11:06pm
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Oct 8
Brandon is out of class! Happy no school tomorrow!!! 2:29pm - Comment
Brandon is bored in class...history next! 12:52pm - Comment
Oct 7
Brandon is looking at his JUNIOR ring papers! Class of 10' ! 8:13pm - 2 Comments
Simone Launerts at 8:37pm October 7
What are JUNIOR ring papers? Are you getting a class ring? You know no one wears those past graduation!
Brandon Launerts at 10:45am October 9
read the comment I left on your wall ;)
Oct 6
From the album: Rosh Hashanah
By Simone Launerts
Sophie and here mama..
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From the album: Rosh Hashanah
By Simone Launerts
Sophie's first White Castle
She's had White castle before me!
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From the album: Rosh Hashanah
By Simone Launerts
My beautiful baby cousin Sophie!
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Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:13pm
Favorite! New wallpaper!
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:12pm
Me too!
"I wanna go back and play in the street!"
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:12pm
Tall mama
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:11pm
Lucky! She had a "real" white castle burger before me!
-And she seen snow before me!-
Brandon commented on Simone Launerts's photo. 3:10pm
OMG! Mini Mitzi!
Her hair has gotten soooo long!
ily soph
Brandon is selling magazine subscriptions! 80% off-Message me. 3:06pm -
Brandon had FCAT today. I hope I passed! :P. 3:04pm -
Brandon is here in Denny's for a big breakfast for the FCAT today! 6:12am - 2 Comments
Simone Launerts at 7:39am October 6
That'll make you fall asleep and work slower! Bad idea. Good luck though : )
Brandon Launerts at 3:08pm October 6
ThanksL..I didn't have a big breakfast a good breakfast. It was perfect! I hope I passed! And I wasn't tired AT ALL during the whole test! :)
Oct 5
Brandon is going to bed early for F-CAT tomorrow! 9:09pm - 2 Comments
Sarah Perez at 9:24pm October 5
how long does FCAT last?
Brandon Launerts at 3:17pm October 6
until your finished
Brandon is back home. 5:47pm -
Brandon says GO DOLPHINS! 1:04pm -
Brandon says that was a piece of sh*t fight... 12:14am -
Oct 4
Brandon is pissed that Shamrock ISN'T fighting... 9:21pm -
Brandon is ready to see the fight Shamrock vs. KIMBO! 8:36pm -
Brandon says it's a boring Saturday. 6:37pm -
Brandon became a fan of oreos. 3:49pm
362,886 fans
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Brandon is chillin at his dads housee. 3:49pm -
Brandon says byeee Aunt Simone! 11:04am -
Oct 3
Brandon is chilling with the aunt! From NY! Fam BBQ. 9:54pm -
Mobile Uploads - 1 new photo 7:20pm
Aunt Simone from NY ;)
Brandon is waiting for Simone! 7:00pm -
Brandon is ready for school..looves friidayss! 6:48am -
Oct 2
Brandon is watching the debate.... O' Biden! 10:02pm -
Brandon wants to sign up at LA FITNESS baaadly! 3:19pm -
Brandon thinks SNORING is annoying!!!!!!!!!!! 12:25am -
Oct 1
Brandon is selling Warheads $1 for junior board.. 12:48pm -
Brandon is on his way to school... 7:07am -
Sep 30
Brandon is moving to NEW YORK in 5 years.... :). 10:18pm - 1 Comment
Cira Launerts at 10:48pm September 30
You leaving your mom?
Brandon is watching the first 48! Ready to go to sleep.. 9:29pm -
Mobile Uploads - 1 new photo 3:30pm
Taking it back 10 years....
Brandon says to upgrade to Facebook 2.0 to all iPhone users! It rocks. 11:32am -
Brandon is chillin at home on his day off from school! :D. 11:29am -
Sep 29
Brandon wishes he was in NY partying with all his cousins! ;( - i mss u all - . 9:49pm -
Brandon is deciding what to do tomorrow..... 8:33pm -
Brandon just took a nice nap! . 6:21pm -
Brandon is in math class. 12:21pm -
Sep 28
Brandon is watching sports.... 11:06pm -
Brandon became a fan of Adam Sandler. 11:06pm
808,735 fans
Brandon just finished homework! Now editing, then TV, then sleep! 8:50pm -
Brandon just returned from driving through some nasty weather!! 7:20pm -
Brandon says congrats Marlins on their last win in the last game in Shea stadium vs the Mets! goodbye shea stadium..marlins blessed it. . 5:16pm - 2 Comments
Henry Yee at 5:23pm September 28
Congrats to the Marlins. Bah, Mets choked.
Brandon Launerts at 8:48pm September 28
Thanks! Too bad Mets lost in their last game in their ex-stadium :(
Brandon is on his way back home.... 5:13pm -
Brandon is at Oasis Cafe! 3:53pm - 1 Comment
Brandon is awake... 9:59am - Comment
Sep 27
Brandon is flipping in the air! bungee jumpingg. 7:24pm - Comment
Brandon commented on Heydi Reinoso's photo. 6:40pm
lmao look it's jorge! I'm used to him wearing dq clothes! lmao congrats jorge
Brandon is at county line race trac..,wishing he was in NY right now. 6:34pm - Comment
Brandon is watching this damn movie in English subtitles.WTF? I don't get it... . 2:46pm - Comment
Brandon is waiting for Lakeview Terrace to start :) . 2:13pm - Comment
Brandon became a fan of All That. 10:36am
TV Show
51,340 fans
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Brandon is waiting to get picked up.... 10:36am - Comment
Sep 26
Brandon says to try to notice how many times McCain blinks when he talks lmao..(he's Lying!) 9:45pm - 1 Comment
Heydi Reinoso at 10:03pm September 26
yesss he iss. GO OBAMA!
look at my status and go on the website and tke the test. it tells u which presidential candidate u agree with the most but it doesnt tell u till the end. let me know what u got!!!
Brandon is watching a soap opera...the presidential debate...lmao. 9:25pm -
Brandon ..everything planned for tonight didn't happen... 8:21pm -
Brandon hates friday nights at the house! 8:10pm -
Brandon is going outside . 7:25pm -
Brandon is done! 6:55pm -
Brandon is drying his dog . 6:39pm -
Brandon says what's the point of washing the dog if she's going to the groomer tomorrow? POINTLESS I say... 6:09pm -
Brandon has to wash his damn dog on a Friday! err... 5:58pm -
Brandon Is happy it's Friday...was supposed to be in New York :/. 3:24pm -
Brandon was supposed to be in New York right now :/. 9:34am -
Sep 25
Brandon is on his way to coldstone for some free ice cream! coldstone.com. 4:41pm -
Brandon is in math class . 10:45am -
Sep 24
Brandon says the Eagle Eye premiere was awwesome! thx Ozon . 10:31pm
Brandon is awake... 9:59am - Comment
Sep 27
Brandon is flipping in the air! bungee jumpingg. 7:24pm - Comment
Brandon commented on Heydi Reinoso's photo. 6:40pm
lmao look it's jorge! I'm used to him wearing dq clothes! lmao congrats jorge
Brandon is at county line race trac..,wishing he was in NY right now. 6:34pm - Comment
Brandon is watching this damn movie in English subtitles.WTF? I don't get it... . 2:46pm - Comment
Brandon is waiting for Lakeview Terrace to start :) . 2:13pm - Comment
Brandon became a fan of All That. 10:36am
TV Show
51,340 fans
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Brandon is waiting to get picked up.... 10:36am - Comment
Sep 26
Brandon says to try to notice how many times McCain blinks when he talks lmao..(he's Lying!) 9:45pm - 1 Comment
Heydi Reinoso at 10:03pm September 26
yesss he iss. GO OBAMA!
look at my status and go on the website and tke the test. it tells u which presidential candidate u agree with the most but it doesnt tell u till the end. let me know what u got!!!
Brandon is watching a soap opera...the presidential debate...lmao. 9:25pm -
Brandon ..everything planned for tonight didn't happen... 8:21pm -
Brandon hates friday nights at the house! 8:10pm -
Brandon is going outside . 7:25pm -
Brandon is done! 6:55pm - Comment
Brandon is drying his dog . 6:39pm -
Brandon says what's the point of washing the dog if she's going to the groomer tomorrow? POINTLESS I say... 6:09pm - Comment
Brandon has to wash his damn dog on a Friday! err... 5:58pm -
Brandon Is happy it's Friday...was supposed to be in New York :/. 3:24pm -
Brandon was supposed to be in New York right now :/. 9:34am -
Sep 25
Brandon is on his way to coldstone for some free ice cream! coldstone.com. 4:41pm -
Brandon is in math class . 10:45am -
Sep 24
Brandon says the Eagle Eye premiere was awwesome! thx Ozon . 10:31pm
randon loved eagle eye! . 10:23pm -
Brandon is waiting in line for Eagle eye premiere :). 6:47pm -
Brandon is in espanol class. 9:49am
Brandon is praying be goes to NY next wknd! . 9:34am -
Sep 21
Brandon is watching the Yankees stadium closing ceremony. 7:44pm -
Brandon TOUCHDOWN!!! 2:18pm -
Brandon wishes he was in NY to see the Yankees last game in their stadium.starts soon. 2:16pm -
Brandon says GOO DOLPHINS! . 2:13pm -
Brandon is ready to watch the Dolphins game! Go DOLPHINS! 12:24pm -
Sep 20
Brandon just had Cuban food (;. 9:00pm
Brandon is watching the marlins! 7:05pm -
Brandon is editing the junior voting trip video.... 2:27pm -
Brandon is at breakfast. 10:17am
too many more posts...............
Monday, September 01, 2008
okay so if you didn't know.I quit dairy queen.well we closed down and I relocated to another store they owned.turns out my boss wasn't running the store any more, her husband was.he is a JERK.well he took away money from me saying that I am missing money from the petty cash ( where you change money for coins) which I know was not True! He does this to all of his employees to get money. I wasn't going to take it. He took $6 from me. That's almost an hour out of my time working for him basically for free. So I called him. Asked him to check cameras with me. He hung up on me. I texted him "well that was nice!!!!" and he called " b***hing" at me, and I gave him attitude and my word and he asked if I want to keep working for him for me to shut my mouth, and I said NO I don't work for people who take money from me! And he said okay il be there in 5 minutes. He came and said "who the f**k do u think u are?" I ignored him, then he said give me my key, I did and then he said "go some place else!" I said happly oh I will! :)
---I really got sick of that location when I politely asked him to turn down the store master radio because it was oldoes station loud givong me a head ache. The next day I find out he TURNS it up more and tells me No it's not for u to enjoy! Customers are. Your not supposed to be in the front not chiiling!---he also was putting me every day of the weekend to work! I have a life u know! ---they also got rid of my buddy jorge who's worked for them for 3 years! (manager at old store) for no reason, because another employee told him something jorge said about the boss.so yeah I am happy I left! I felt like I was on Cuba getting dictated by fidel! Well looks like I escaped and in paradise now!
- I quit on a Friday and had my dad pick me for the weekend that day! :)
-FYI-pls excuse errors (typing on iPhone)
***check my mini blog twitted-I post often there***
---I really got sick of that location when I politely asked him to turn down the store master radio because it was oldoes station loud givong me a head ache. The next day I find out he TURNS it up more and tells me No it's not for u to enjoy! Customers are. Your not supposed to be in the front not chiiling!---he also was putting me every day of the weekend to work! I have a life u know! ---they also got rid of my buddy jorge who's worked for them for 3 years! (manager at old store) for no reason, because another employee told him something jorge said about the boss.so yeah I am happy I left! I felt like I was on Cuba getting dictated by fidel! Well looks like I escaped and in paradise now!
- I quit on a Friday and had my dad pick me for the weekend that day! :)
-FYI-pls excuse errors (typing on iPhone)
***check my mini blog twitted-I post often there***
okay so if you didn't know.I quit dairy queen.well we closed down and I relocated to another store they owned.turns out my boss wasn't running the store any more, her husband was.he is a JERK.well he took away money from me saying that I am missing money from the petty cash ( where you change money for coins) which I know was not True! He does this to all of his employees to get money. I wasn't going to take it. He took $6 from me. That's almost an hour out of my time working for him basically for free. So I called him. Asked him to check cameras with me. He hung up on me. I texted him "well that was nice!!!!" and he called " b***hing" at me, and I gave him attitude and my word and he asked if I want to keep working for him for me to shut my mouth, and I said NO I don't work for people who take money from me! And he said okay il be there in 5 minutes. He came and said "who the f**k do u think u are?" I ignored him, then he said give me my key, I did and then he said "go some place else!" I said happly oh I will! :)
---I really got sick of that location when I politely asked him to turn down the store master radio because it was oldoes station loud givong me a head ache. The next day I find out he TURNS it up more and tells me No it's not for u to enjoy! Customers are. Your not supposed to be in the front not chiiling!---he also was putting me every day of the weekend to work! I have a life u know! ---they also got rid of my buddy jorge who's worked for them for 3 years! (manager at old store) for no reason, because another employee told him something jorge said about the boss.so yeah I am happy I left! I felt like I was on Cuba getting dictated by fidel! Well looks like I escaped and in paradise now!
- I quit on a Friday and had my dad pick me for the weekend that day! :)
-FYI-pls excuse errors (typing on iPhone)
***check my mini blog twitted-I post often there***
---I really got sick of that location when I politely asked him to turn down the store master radio because it was oldoes station loud givong me a head ache. The next day I find out he TURNS it up more and tells me No it's not for u to enjoy! Customers are. Your not supposed to be in the front not chiiling!---he also was putting me every day of the weekend to work! I have a life u know! ---they also got rid of my buddy jorge who's worked for them for 3 years! (manager at old store) for no reason, because another employee told him something jorge said about the boss.so yeah I am happy I left! I felt like I was on Cuba getting dictated by fidel! Well looks like I escaped and in paradise now!
- I quit on a Friday and had my dad pick me for the weekend that day! :)
-FYI-pls excuse errors (typing on iPhone)
***check my mini blog twitted-I post often there***
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dark Knight
It is a "MUST SEE", So much action and great roles played especially by the Joker (Heath Ledger). Wow he looks crazy and acts crazy! He MUST get an oscar! The movie was kind of long (almost 3 hours) but really good! I recommend this movie and I will be purchasing this movie on Blu Ray as soon as released! I loved this movie and I want to see it on iMax now!
** BTW, my iPhone 3G is still rockin'! Even though I dropped my baby twice today :( I need a case ASAP!
Friday, July 11, 2008
iGot it!
After waiting 4 hours in line i got my iPhone 3G! ..well worth the wait! IT was fun talking to the different people there with the same interest as me! I am now hooking up the iPhone to iTunes as it transfers all my crap...
Oh and I got it in Black instead of white, white look'd too girly...
Oh and I got it in Black instead of white, white look'd too girly...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Viva la iPhone 3G!
I already have my iTunes pre set with lots of good songs, and a new feature called "Apps", I will have applications like "Mobile Banking", "Games", "Myspace Mobile","Facebook", etc.
The new iPhone will also have 3G speed (Which is the internet speed doubled to the original iphones speed). I plan on getting the iPhone in White because I heard rumors of the glossy black to be having alot of finger prints..no no no not for me..But if they run out of white oh well, black here I come. I am getting the phone in the 16 giga byte version instead of the 8 gig. I have been iPhone crazy this past week and finally it is TOMORROW! Thanks to MacRumors.com they have been keeping me informed with the latest news ;) I plan on going to the At&T store rather than apple because I believe AT&T will go by faster and smoother with the new activation process. Apple is new to it and may take longer.... I will be posting ALOT MORE now with my iPhone via Twitter's mini blog, I will post a little mini blog later on....
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
New York
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Busch Gaaardens!!!
Well at 4:30am I will be boarding the Bus to Busch Gaaardenss!! I am going with the school for the SOPHOMORE TRIP! I can't wait! I am at work till 11pm..Whoo 3 hours of sleep =/
- Then next weeek, I am going to Tampaa for TV PRODUCTION competitions! 3 days, 2 nights! Sounds fun! (:
- And I am STILL saving for a car! 2 months till license!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
** SORRY I HAVE NOT POSTED IN A WHILE (I had no computer for a while as you can see)
- Thanks again!
P.S- ITS SUPER FAST!! (just like my dads cobra!)
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