Wednesday, July 13, 2005

100 things about me

  1. I like my house clean,my room is always neat.
  2. I watch T.V like l or 2 hours a day.
  3. I like to rent movies.
  4. I want a job,by the end of this year.
  5. My left ear is peirced.
  6. I like to use Shower Gel instead of Regular Bar soap because the barof soap is used by others,shower gel is not used by others.
  7. I love to go on Rollarcoasters and rides.
  8. I can not sleep on airplanes,I never will.I like to see whats happening.
  9. Me and my brother get in alot of arguments.
  10. I am a Gemini,you have not seen my other SIDE!
  11. I like to always be out the house,I dont like staying inside very long!
  12. I want to be very wealthy when I am older.
  13. I want to be a TECHNICIAN and a DJ for Clubs on the weekends.
  14. I love to visit New York and see my Family there.
  15. I like talking on the phone with my aunt.
  16. I have 5 best friends,because 3 are brothers and other 2 are brothers.
  17. My favorite shows is Rescue Me,real world and Pimp my ride and Punk'd.
  18. I had real fun in Great Adventure in New Jersey.
  19. I am very sad that Kinda Ka will be closed when we are there.
  20. I wear a Livestrong yellow Band for cancer.
  21. I am a morning person.
  22. I like to wake up early.
  23. I hate sleeping in,so late.
  24. When I am older I want to move to New York.
  25. I like to change fones alot.
  26. I have Unlimited Minutes.
  27. I like to play outside with my friends.
  28. I love Mashed Potatoes.
  29. My favorite Choclate is Reese's.
  30. My favorite pizza is Sicilian.
  31. If they dont have siciclian,then I get extra tomatoe sauce on a regular Pizza.
  32. I always tip people @ restaurants.
  33. I always bring back souveniors for someone and never myself.
  34. I like to Buy stuff off e-bay.
  35. I never skipped School.
  36. I love when it rains,when we are in school.
  37. I always go out,looking nice,matching,never mix-match
  38. I like taking pictures,not having them token of me.
  39. I want a Camcorder badly.
  40. I am nice to my friends.
  41. I like my hair being neat,not messy.
  42. People say they love my eyes.
  43. My eyes are Hazel.
  44. My hair is Dirty Blond.
  45. My favorite type of dog is a Beagle,or American Bulldog.
  46. My favorite dog that I had was named Poochie and was a Beagle.
  47. This dog ran away,and we never found it.
  48. We adopted my dog from Humane Soceity.
  49. I like Cats when they are kittens.
  50. I always call friends or family when on a trip.
  51. I hate Busch.
  52. If i could vote i would vote for KERRY.
  53. I like Hip-Hop,R&B,and some rap.
  54. I think I am a morning person because I was born at 6am.
  55. My favorite meal from Taco Bell is the Crunch wrap supreme.
  56. I prefer Burger King than Mc.Donalds
  57. I can't hold on to Money for a long time,unless its in a Bank.
  58. I would rather have bad shoes on a date then messy hair.
  59. I like would like to visit australia one day.
  60. I rather eat a big dinner than a big lunch.
  61. I love Vanilla Milkshakes.
  62. I like vanilla rather then Chocalate.
  63. I was Lack-tost and Tolerate when I was little.
  64. I only drink strawberry milk.
  65. I love Traveling.
  66. I wish my dad and mom were together.
  67. I wish the world was good and not so many wars and bombings.
  68. I hate smokers,theres no point to it. Sombody that disagrees then comment about it!!!
  69. I hate cigars,ciggartes,pot,weed,or anything bad or stupid!!
  70. I love to Text Message.
  71. I like to change my ring tones alot.
  72. I am picky with phones.
  73. I love Jellybeans.
  74. I want to go to the movies every friday.
  75. I have a big screen tv.
  76. I have TIVO and love it.
  77. I would do anything for my kids life.
  78. I want to have a wife and 3 kids(2 boys 1 girl)
  79. I want to move out of my house and into a new and bigger one.
  80. I would never smoke a ciggarete!! (Whats the point??)
  81. I rather eat candy or chew gum then smoke.
  82. I always apllaud in movies when its done.
  83. I only eat chicken,meat,or ham because the animals already dead,but i would never kill an animal just to eat it.
  84. I want to see snow really bad.
  85. I am a holiday decarotion freak.
  86. Every X-mas,I put up my X-Mas lights on my roof and decorate the outside with plenty of lights.
  87. I will go on a rollarcoaster or ride if its safe!
  88. I never leave my house without my phone,just in case.
  89. I buy movies once I have seen them first.
  90. I used to pass out flyers,but they did not need us anymore, they said they were gonna mail them out to houses instead(Bull****)
  91. I believe in god.
  92. I never sleep in the day time.
  93. My favorite baseball team is the mrarlins.
  94. My favorite Basketball team is the Miami Heat.
  95. I used to play baseball.
  96. I hate when it is humid outside.
  97. I have a pet rabbit,hamster and dog.
  98. I prefer laptop than Desktop.
  99. I help my friends with stuff.
  100. I am nice to people if they are nice to me.
    Finnaly I am Done!!!Thanks for reading!


Simone said...

Hey- your list was great!

Brandon said...


Simone said...

Hey your blog looks good now and I can see your profile up top.

Brandon said...

Yes Finnaly!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved reading this.

Brandon said...


H3NR7 said...

Wow. I'm impressed. But we still don't know where you stand concerning raisins.