Saturday, August 27, 2005


Hello, About less than 5 minutes ago from me typing this I noticed that my ear was hurting,so I looked @ it and it was blooding or dried blood,so I tried to take it off and It hurt.So when I finnaly took it off,I had to clean it with Alcohal,then I noticed that it was INFECTED because my hole in the back of my ear was red and now my back hole is the shape of the back peice(Ewlll......) And my ear is hurting,so I am puting Hydrogen Proxide. Any suggestions........


Simone said...

keep cleaning it everyday with hydrogen peroxide and if it's not better by Monday/Tues I would ask ur Mom to take u to the Dr to check it out. Is this your piereced ear? If it is do NOT put ur earing in until it is COMPLETELY back to normal. Just clean it several times a day.

Brandon said...

Yea, I know Thanks,I am not putting my earing back in my ear, and I have been puting Hydrogen Proxide and its starting to get better already.But Thanks anyways!