I bought my Plasma almost a moth ago...Its a Vizio 37' Plazmizzle...Sounds small.But looks HUGE in my small little room...lol
Oh yea and bought the phone that I was saying that I wanted earlier in my blog posts...
These both ROCK!
As well GH3.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Miami Teams Suck
Tha Marlins jus traded our best players.....Dontrelle Willis and Miguel Cabrera. WTF!
Dolphins 0-12? we suck
Heat 4-12??
I saw we trade EVERYBODY for a new teams.. =)
Dolphins 0-12? we suck
Heat 4-12??
I saw we trade EVERYBODY for a new teams.. =)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Got it!

I love it.
I love the new wireless controllers included with it. No Batterires.Nada.Just pop in the Wii controller and BAM! It works.. Time to go rock on!
- Wasn't too happy that I had to buy a $30 wii power cord because my darn power went out for 1 second and it sparked the powercord and broke =(. And Whoo was it a mission to find the cord. It is harder to find the cord than an actual Wii! LOL..Called EVERWHERE! to find it. Ended up driving to the Fall's to get it....
Oh Well.It was worth it!
Viva Plazmizzle!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Tired Week, Packed Wknd.
- Well my manager at work had a family emergency.To Violent to post about. So he had to leave to Texas.
- I worked last Sunday (not the one that just passed) 11am-10pm.
- Then off Monday-Wednsday.
- Then Worked Tursday-Friday 3pm-11pm.
- Off Saturday.
- Then had to work Sunday 11am-5pm. But the owner was nice enough to let me work 6pm-10pm rather than 11am-5pm because she knew I was going to my dads this weekend.
- (He picked me up late friday night after work and I stayed with him till Sunday afternoon.Good weekend. Harly got some sleep. Went to Moroso (RaceTrac) mainly this wknd. Pretty Fun. Got to stick around the crew.I got to drive an ATV all weekend too =)
- Very fun.
- Got home Sunday night around 10:15pm from work (This Sunday) with $26 bucks i n tips =) but still very tired and cranky wanting to sleep badly! I coudnt sleep because this dam little bug kept BUGGING ME! (Litteraly).
- Then comes Monday Morning 6am. MOM-"Wake up for school,c'mon get up." ME-"Ugh, Do I have to? Please Im supeerr tired" MOM-"Yes" ME-"C'mon I have easy classes today and I need rest =)" MOM-"I guess you could" (Then she askes me what classes I have, I told her), Then she says as long as I finish up cleaning up and finishing up some laundry,which I am in the process of.
- Those extra hours worked! I woke up at 8:30am (ugh,like always,Never could sleep in!)
- 8:30am-9amThen watched Regis and Kelly
- 9amMade some Breakfast (Whick I havent done in a while! Umm...
- 9:30amm Watched Family Fued for ten minutes
- Knocked out.
- Slept till 11:36am..Boyy did that feel good.
- Got up, cleaned up, doing laundry
- Myspaced (Checking who was online? like 3 people)
- 1:22pm Posting up about my day so far (NOW)
- WORST PART: I work at 3pm-10pm
(At least, I got lots of more hours of sleep, rather than waking up early! Thanks MOM, you ROCK!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Crank Dat Sebastion!
LOL..Here's a video I found of "Sebastion the Mascot" (UM Mascot) doing the Crank Dat Dance!
Listen to the Crowd chanting "U" !!
Listen to the Crowd chanting "U" !!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Revolutionary Gadgets
Well, I havent posted in Months,. Been Lasy. School is good.Life is good.Job is good.MONEY IS GOOD!!!!!
- Well I have the iPod touch on its way (Arrives Oct.2-3).
- Just bought the new DDR (Dance Dance Rev: Hottest Party) for the Wii. (It rocks!, It is like a guitar hero but for your feet! So cool. You also use your hands in some parts too.Very fun and yes a Party game just like Guitar Hero.
- Guitar Hero will be owned by ME October 30,2007
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a MUST and WILL be Pre-ordered a month prior to release date (12/3/07)
- I am purchasing this sweeet new phone next week:
Ahh...I am certainly happy with my Job, I love the money! Jan 1st starts SAVING,SAVING,SAVING!
- I can't believe by next week I will the iPod Touch (8gig),DDR(Already have), and that sweeet new phone =)
Monday, August 06, 2007
New Yorkkkkkkkk!
Wel, I am actually in FLL Airpost, on David's awesome MacBook Pro!! Well are flight was originally planned for 11:50am then delayed to 1:30pm, then 2:00pm,then 2:30pm,then 2:29pm..WOW one minute! LOL...well i will keep posting pics when I upload them, I didnt bring my laptop, so lets see how it goes =)
Thanks dad!
Thanks dad!
Happy Birf-day Papi
Monday, July 30, 2007
Happy Birthday Aunt Simone!!

TodAY is your birthday!! Yay!!!
Simone is a wonderful aunt/person/and new MOMMY!!
Today Simone requests that everybody calls her "Queen Sim", LOL...J/K
Its her day, so don't ruin it!
I love you Simone and enjoy your day!
I bet you will enjoy your day and this birthday will be better than ever because you have a new addition to the family!
I love you bye!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Well, I am proud to say that my flight has been BOOKED! I am sitting next to Simone and David and SOPHIE on the way there!! I am so excited! I even just spent another hundred dollars on clothes for NY! LOL...I love my job!
Well I can't wait..... =)
C'mon.Time always flys, make it FLY faster!!!
Well I can't wait..... =)
C'mon.Time always flys, make it FLY faster!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Summer Love....
- Well, My summer has been pretty good..I have been working more often,more money, waste time. My job is going by real good, I have a really COOL manager thats really flexible and a good working partner. My job is easy,fun,slack,laid back, and cool. I have had over 10-15 people always asking if there hiring. The pay is good, and so is the tips...
- I am also thrilled to go to New York. The dates are confirmed! August 6th I fly to New York with Simone,David and the newest addition to the family (SOPHIE!!), I will be on the same flight as them departing to New York and returning home by myself.. I am going to fly Spirit Airlines and I arrive back Sunday August 12, 7 days! Whoo! Thats more Sophie time! LOL.
- I am planning on spending the night on Sunday, August 5th so I can ride to the airport with them, but.....there's only one problem, now. Sunday August 5th is my grandmother and grandfathers(Ita and Papi) 50th anniversary. And my mom is planning a big family party that day. So now I may HAVE to take off that day (which may be hard) and then either go to Omi's that night instead of my original plans attending there @ 5 or having my mom drop me off at Omi's house early early monday morning!!
- I don't know what to do! Ahh!!
- Anyways, away from that drama.
- My Birthday was awesome.
- Jet skiing was awesome!! (I am going to go Jet skiing more often now!)
- And my job is awesome.
- I saw Transformers! I rate it 5 stars out of 5!
- It was awesome!! Go see it now!!
- I also saw Fantastic four, that was pretty good too,not as good as Transformers, but it was a good sequel. I enjoyed it.
- And my Wii is still staying AWESOME!
- I recently bought 2 new games!
- Need for speed: Carbon, and the all new Mortal Kombat:Armageddon .
- I also recently just bought Wii points.
- Wii Points is so that you are available to purchase classic video games on the Wii!!
- (Oh yeah, I have the wi-fi working well in my house connected to the Wii and my laptop!)
- Well thats my latest blog entry, sorry I been busy!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Money in the Bank
Well, Its done. I just opened my bank account. I have my Debit card! Work is going good! Great schedules, I am off my birthday, which is the 16th! Do not forget! I have decided on going Jetsking again this year with my father. Fathers day is next sunday, YIKES! I got to get something, FAST! For my birthday, I am going in a limo to Rapids water park with a bunch of my friends, then birthday cake singing time, then OLIVE GARDEN! Aww..what a wonderfull day I will have. I will probally be awoken by Birthday singing calls by my dad, but I like that. =) Anyways, I am about to leave to the bank now, to open my add the Visa-checking option to my card, so I can buy stuff online. Aww...the life of having MONEY...I love MONEY!.......WHO DOESN'T? I just hate spending it, like the rest of us..
Thursday, May 24, 2007
First Job...
Well I am proud to sat that I am currently employed at "Dairy Queen". I start Friday at 7pm.
The Goods: I am working with A job that I enjoy
The Bads: Hopefully my schedulke doesn't run up with my dad's weekends. This weekend it is going to be.
But, The Owner knows that I want to work in the summer weekdays,rather than weekends. I will see what pops up.
Anyways, I am glad that I got a job that I enjoy! I start at $6.50/Hr. Good for me! I hope Min. wage goes up to $7/Hr! Whoo! OO Yea and I get paid straight up CASH!!
I will be doing everthing at DQ, from making Cones,Cakes,Blizzards (Umm!) to Cahiering! Its a perfect opprutuinity to take.
I am HAPPY.....for now.
The Goods: I am working with A job that I enjoy
The Bads: Hopefully my schedulke doesn't run up with my dad's weekends. This weekend it is going to be.
But, The Owner knows that I want to work in the summer weekdays,rather than weekends. I will see what pops up.
Anyways, I am glad that I got a job that I enjoy! I start at $6.50/Hr. Good for me! I hope Min. wage goes up to $7/Hr! Whoo! OO Yea and I get paid straight up CASH!!
I will be doing everthing at DQ, from making Cones,Cakes,Blizzards (Umm!) to Cahiering! Its a perfect opprutuinity to take.
I am HAPPY.....for now.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Spidey Frenzy!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
She's A Girl!!!

Well, you don't even want to know how happy I am when I found out about the baby! Here is the first picture I recieved via Multimedia on my cell phone thanks to Fred! She is a Girl and a cutey!, she looks like her mother! Has blond hair and blue eyes! She weighs 9 Pounds and 1 ounce! I want to go to New York and see my First Cousin!! Congrats Simone and David! I love you and my new baby cousin. Right now She is nameless, but I will update ASAP!
If you can not see the picture above please go to my other blog. Click Here to view!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Things on My mind...
I have many things on mind right now...
- My summer vacation(What to do?)
- Getting a job (Should I get one or not?)
- Simone and Davids baby date and gender (I can not wait!) Update: Simone had her baby successfully and is a girl, So Cute!
- My Grandmother's health
- My dads moving decision
- Global Warming
Reply back..Sorry on my long returen to BLOGGER!! My Loco Photos will be updated this wknd. My Computer is messed up,AGAIN! Thanks =)
Monday, February 05, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
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