Well, you don't even want to know how happy I am when I found out about the baby! Here is the first picture I recieved via Multimedia on my cell phone thanks to Fred! She is a Girl and a cutey!, she looks like her mother! Has blond hair and blue eyes! She weighs 9 Pounds and 1 ounce! I want to go to New York and see my First Cousin!! Congrats Simone and David! I love you and my new baby cousin. Right now She is nameless, but I will update ASAP!
If you can not see the picture above please go to my other blog. Click Here to view!
she is my cousin to and i think she is sooo cute!!!
I know me too!!! She is adorable! I love her and can not wait to see her and hold her in my hands!
my email is rhylee_smiley@hotmail.com
Thanks! We will email you the address soon =)
hey cous
Helloooo Rhylee! I miss you, your mother and Daddy!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Brandon on your brandon new cousin!
And kudos on being the first person to post the very first photos of newborn Baby Monkey!
You made The Scoop of the "Golden Pig" Year.
She looks just like her mother.
FYI, you might not want to post your Dad's phone number on the World Wide Web. I'm just saying.
Brandon, thanks for posting the baby photo!!! :)
Thanks everyone! And H3nry I will delete that comment..thanx
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